Apex Legends Bunny Hop

Apex Legends Bunny Hop While Healing | How to move and heal

Apex Legends is a game all about movement, just as all battle royale titles seem to be. Keep moving and you’re going to be harder to hit. Your movement speed seems to take a hit while healing, but there is a way to bunny hop in Apex Legends. Read on to discover how to bunny hop in Apex Legends. This Apex Legends Bunny Hop While Healing guide is for you if you want an advantage over your opposition.

Apex Legends Bunny Hop | How to bunny hop

Apex Legends Bunny Hop

Bunny hopping is a gameplay feature that you can pull off in a variety of first-person shooters running on the Source Engine. It essentially keeps you moving at high speeds, even when you didn’t think you could. If you’re after maintaining consistent momentum in Apex Legends, this trick is for you.

To bunny hop in Apex Legends and keep your sprinting momentum (or close to it), follow these steps: Sprint, slide, and then jump. Keep jumping after this, looking towards the direction your cursor is pointing towards, and you should keep hopping (hence the name), maintaining a high movement speed. It’s tricky to pull off, mind, and is all about the timing of your jumps. This is a trick that might be easier to pull off on a mouse an keyboard, however. By strafing, you will be able to spam the jump button and move quickly through the environment. No more constant sprinting and sliding for you.

Apex Legends Bunny Hop While Healing | How to move and heal

Apex Legends Bunny Hop

You can even heal while bunny hopping. You can open your items tab while bunny hopping (with the method above) and choose a healing item such as a Syringe. To move and heal at the same time, simply start bunny hopping with the Syringe equipped and press the heal input. This way you can navigate the map more quickly than normal and heal at the same time. Perfect for those getaways from intense gunfights.

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