How to Equip Anthem Consumables

How to Equip Anthem Consumables

Many of you are playing Anthem, wondering how to equip Anthem Consumables. The EA and Bioware online multiplayer RPG shooter is out now on PS4, PC, and Xbox One, and it doesn’t do a very good job of explaining its intricacies. That’s where we come in. If you want to know what Anthem Consumables are and how to equip Consumables, this guide is for you.

How to Equip Anthem Consumables | What are Consumables?

How to Equip Anthem Consumables

Consumables in Anthem are an item that you can either find or craft for yourself. Consumables essentially act as one-off (you equip them for one mission at a time) stat boost items for your character. You can upgrade your character’s health, damage, defense, and more stats by equipping Consumables. Uncommon Consumables will drop all the time for you, whereas the rare ones will be more difficult to find and craft. If you’re looking for Embers to craft high-level Consumables, our Ember Farming Guide is for you.

To begin with, you will only be able to equip one Consumable, but you will unlock the ability to equip two and then three at Pilot Level 20 and 30, respectively. You will definitely want to equip as many Consumables as you can on each mission, but the game does make it a little unclear as to how exactly you do equip Consumables in Anthem.

How to Equip Anthem Consumables

How to Equip Anthem Consumables

While it’s not made clear how you equip Consumables in Anthem, thankfully, how to equip Anthem Consumables is simple. To equip Consumables in Anthem, simply follow these steps:

  • Head onto the Mission Select Screen
  • From here, go two tabs to the right
  • You should now be on the Consumables tab

Once on there, you should see the same screen as above (although you may only be able to equip one or two Consumables rather than three). Simply choose the Consumable Slot you wish to add a Consumable to. Now you can choose from the list of Consumables you own to equip.

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