Two Worlds II Codes and Unlockables UPDATED


Use PC Console Cheats with the 360 version

Hold down L1 + R1, then while still holding it press and release buttons in the following order: START -> DPAD UP -> START -> DPAD DOWN. The console box appears. Press X to bring up an in-game keyboard if you do not have a keypad or other means of inputting WARNING: THIS DISABLES ACHIEVEMENTS ON THIS GAME SAVE PERMANENTLY To re-activate the ability to get achievements restart the game from the dashboard and use a non-cheated save
Effect Code
<UNTESTED>Increase Kick Ability Strength (kick enemies into space) <UNTESTED> Physx.Char.Kick.Str #
Add Auras (Currency) addgold # (Replace # with any positive number)
Add skill points AddSkillPoints #
Adds parameter points to spend (Strength, Accuracy etc.) AddParamPoints # (replace # with any positive number)
Enables console cheats TWOWORLDSCHEATS
God mode off GOD 0
God Mode on (Maxes all stats and abilities) GOD 1
Invisible To Enemies Player.InvisibleForEnemies 1
Jump Height/Gravity (use a negative number) ms.Grav #
Run Speed Hero.Move.FastRunSpeed #
Set time of day (0-255, with 0=midnight, 40=dawn, 20=sunset, 255=just before midnight) Time #
Sets player level ec.dbg levels # (replace # with any positive number)
Turns off immortality IMMORTAL 0
Turns on immortality (Unkillable) IMMORTAL 1
Walk Up Any Rock or Mountain (use a big negative number) Physx.Char.SlopeLimit.Rock #
Walk Up Any Slope (use a big negative number) Physx.Char.SlopeLimit #
With equipped weapon, kill selected enemy KILL

Unlock Items

Pause the game and enter the code at "Enter Bonus Code".

Effect Password
Anathros Sword 6770-8976-1634-9490
Axe 1775-3623-3298-1928
Dragon Armor 4149-3083-9823-6545
Elexorie 3542-3274-8350-6064
Hammer 6231-1890-4345-5988
Lucienda Sword 9122-5287-3591-0927
Scroll 6972-5760-7685-8477
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