Apex Legends Return to Battle

Apex Legends Return to Battle | Return to the Battle error fix

Despite it being out for a little while now, Apex Legends players are still reporting various bugs and glitches online. One such bug is the Apex Legends Return to Battle glitch. Read on to discover what the game-breaking Apex Legends Return to the Battle error is, and how you can fix it.

What is the Apex Legends Return to Battle error?

Apex Legends Return to Battle

The Apex Legends Return to Battle glitch is literally killing players when they should in no way at all be killed. It’s a fairly specific bug, but it has affected plenty of Apex Legends players, leaving a trail of angry corpses in its wake.

In any online shooter, if you leave the map, it will instruct you to return to the battle within a set length of time. If you don’t the game kills you. Apex Legends gives you 30 seconds to return to the battle if you leave the map. The Return to Battle glitch, however, is killing players when they are within the map’s boundaries.

To avoid the glitch yourself, we’d recommend not dropping onto the Supply Ship at the start of the game. Specifically, avoid landing on the Supply Ship if it is flying over the Shattered Forest. Up there, the Supply Ship will take you off of the map. This will cause the “Return to the Battle” prompt to appear and its 30 seconds countdown. If this message appears in that location, you’re doomed, essentially.

Whatever you try, the game will kill you. It seems as though the countdown will continue, even if you are not on the Supply Ship and are well within Kings Canyon boundaries.

Apex Legends Return to Battle error | How to fix

Apex Legends Return to Battle

Unfortunately, if you come across the glitch, the game will likely kill you. It assumes you have left the map boundaries and haven’t returned, even if you have. Oddly enough, however, you can temporarily stop the countdown every time you jump. This won’t stop the game from killing you though. It’ll merely give you more time on its wretched planet.

Thankfully, EA and Respawn are aware of the error. Hopefully, it will be eradicated with a patch sooner rather than later.

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