Devil May Cry 5 Live-Action Cutscenes

Devil May Cry 5 Live-Action Cutscenes | How to turn on Live-Action cutscenes

If you’re playing through Devil May Cry 5 and wondering what the cutscenes would be like if they were live-action a la Be Kind Rewind, this is the guide for you. There are Devil May Cry 5 Live-Action Cutscenes hidden in the game for you to watch. Vehicles replaced with cardboard boxes, cheap visual effects, and more hilarity wait with this exceedingly neat bonus feature. Here’s how to turn on live-action cutscenes in DMC 5.

What are the Devil May Cry 5 Live-Action Cutscenes?

Devil May Cry 5 Live-Action Cutscenes

The live-action cutscenes in Devil May Cry 5 are well worth a watch. Not only are they hilarious thanks to the overly cheap visual effects, costumes, and over-the-top acting, they also offer a solid insight into game development. With the live-action cutscenes, you get a peek behind the glamorous game development curtain.

These are essentially storyboards bought to life before the lengthy and costly process of creating the full cutscenes has begun. The Devil May Cry 5 live-action cutscenes are a treat. You can even turn them on for almost the entirety of the game.

How to turn on Devil May Cry 5 Live-Action Cutscenes

Devil May Cry 5 Live-Action Cutscenes

While you can turn on the live-action cutscenes in Devil May Cry 5 rather simply, unfortunately, not everyone will be able to do so. As of writing, the only way to access the live-action cutscenes in Devil May Cry 5 is to own the Deluxe Edition of the game. Annoying for anyone who picked up the standard edition of the game, we’re sure.

If you did pick up the Deluxe Edition of Devil May Cry 5, however, (which only costs around $10 more than the standard edition), the live-action cutscenes are easy to access. All you need to do is complete Mission 2, Qliphoth, at any ranking. Once you have done this, the live-action cutscenes will be unlocked.

Simply head into the game’s settings on the options menu to turn them on. Doing so will replace all regular cutscenes with the hilarious budget-friendly live-action variants, however. Perhaps, it is an option best suited for a second playthrough, so you can first understand the story. You won’t get the full effect of the game’s grandeur with its live-action cutscenes, either. All audio in the live-action cutscenes is in Japanese only, too. Funny and interesting though.

All image credits: Devil May Cry 5 YouTube

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