Apex Legends Flamethrower

Apex Legends Flamethrower release date | New Weapon Flamethrower

New leaks from the game files of Apex Legends suggest that a new weapon, with equally new effects, could soon be introduced to the game. The Apex Legends Flamethrower leaks suggest that the new weapon could inflict a burning status effect on your enemies, potentially inflicting lasting burn damage on them. While weapon stats or images have not yet been uncovered, the effects of a Flamethrower projectile have been described in the game files, suggesting that the weapon is at least in the works. Read on to find out more on the Apex Legends Flamethrower release date.

Apex Legends Flamethrower release date | New Weapon Flamethrower

Apex Legends Flamethrower

A flamethrower weapon could be devastating at short range, both from consistent damage to the target, but also considering the panic-inducing effects of being engulfed in flames. However, it’s not clear whether an Apex Legends flamethrower release date would be in the near future, given the lack of any weapon stats in the leak. In comparison to the leak of the HAVOC and L-STAR LMG weapons, which included game files hinting at possible attachments, the evidence for a flamethrower weapon is limited. This means that even though the leaks could well be verifiable, the new weapon may not be ready for release yet.

Of course, the Apex Legends flamethrower could well be featured in the next update, in conjunction with the long-awaited Battle Pass, which is due to drop by the end of March.

At the very least, the leaks come from Twitter user and reputable dataminer RealApexLeaks, so the existence of the reported flamethrower status effect certainly showcases some intent to develop such a weapon. The flamethrower could be part of a new character’s abilities, releasing a torrent of fire at short-range, although they don’t line up with the abilities of recently leaked character Octane. Sadly, there’s no guarantee that the flamethrower will appear in the game; we’ll have to wait for future leaks or an official announcement for more news.

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