Apex Legends Remote Turrets

Apex Legends Remote Turrets release date | New Weapon Remote Turrets

Many of the Apex Legends character abilities feature deployable tools, ranging from Lifeline’s healing robot to Gibraltar’s protective dome, but new leaks indicate that a remote turret could soon be introduced to the game. Evidence of the Apex Legends Remote Turrets has been uncovered listed in the game files, suggesting that Respawn is working on introducing remote turrets into the full game. It’s not yet clear whether these turrets will be a single character’s ability, or if the remote turrets will be available to all players as a new weapon. Read on to find out more on the Apex Legends Remote Turrets release date.

Apex Legends Remote Turrets | New Weapon Remote Turrets

Apex Legends Remote Turrets

There has been no official announcement or recognition of the remote turrets leak from Respawn as yet, so we don’t know if this new weapon will be included in the next update. As such, it’s difficult to predict a release date for the remote turrets, but recent news of new characters like Octane suggest that a big update will be coming this month. Of course, the leak of the remote turrets only featured the weapon’s name in the game files, so we don’t know how far in development this weapon is. In addition, we haven’t seen any mention of the remote turrets in rumored abilities of upcoming characters.

It’s important to note that not everything in the game files is intended for release. We don’t know if Respawn has already set aside the remote turret, or if it’s a priority for them. However, with multiple leaks surrounding the prospect of AI-driven enemies being introduced to Apex Legends, the remote turrets could theoretically be linked to a new game mode with these NPCs. Without further details, it’s difficult to predict how the Apex Legends remote turrets might be introduced to the game.

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