Bloons TD 4 iPhone Cheats


Best Tactic for Bloons TD 4

1. Buy 3 dart monkeys, upgrade them to long range. If water, buy buccaneres and cover all water, upgrade them fully. If you have free version, ore havent 5 gold medals yet, buy a cannon before lead bloons. If you have 5, 10 ore 15 gold medals, enable all cheats.

2. If you bought 3 dart monkeys, this is what you gotta do: Buy one monkey ace, to third upgrade, but spike towers and cannons and fully upgrade them. Buy more mokey aces if needed, and fully upgrade monkey darts. After whole map is filled, recover it with sungods! The, cover the sky with fully upgraded monkey aces.

3. If you bought buccaneres, do the same, remember to upgrade the buccaneres fully.

4. PS: Some variation from this tactic is needed on maps. You dont need monkey farms. This works on all the maps i have tried it on. Difficulity hard i used. And pleace, post YOUR tactic for Bloons TD 4 on this site, so thoose who need help, can find it here.

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