Loot in Sekiro

How to loot in Sekiro

Of course the game doesn’t properly explain how to loot in Sekiro. Of course. It is a Soulsborne game, after all, but we didn’t think we’d have trouble looting and collecting money from dead bodies. But it’s not that difficult once you sort out the basics. Here, we’ll show you how to loot in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice on PC, PS4, and Xbox One and also how to collect Sen from defeated enemies. It’s not that difficult once you know how, and you might feel a little bit embarrassed in the process. I know I was.

How to loot in Sekiro

Loot in Sekiro

The game tells you to use the interact button to loot in Sekiro and, like the scrubs that need to git gud that we so clearly are, we were tapping that button, right? Well, you need to hold it. You’ll unleash a weird whirlwind effect and the One-Armed Wolf will pretty much turn into Spyro, becoming a magnet for all the treasure in the immediate area.

For future reference:

  • PC: Hold E (or whichever button is mapped to “Interact)
  • PS4: Hold Square
  • Xbox One: Hold X

The only things you can loot are the glowing coins that appear after slaying an enemy. Holding interact will bring it all towards you, and that includes both money and useful items. You do not go up to a body and loot it individually for stuff as you would in, say, a Red Dead Redemption 2. The area of effect is pretty large, too, so you’ll have no trouble sweeping up treasures.

How to collect money from defeated enemies in Sekiro

Loot in Sekiro

It’s the same as above. You collect money by holding down the interact button, though the amount differs from person to person. It can be confusing, at first, running over the coins and not picking any of it up, but you’ll be pleased to know it’s a catch-all approach: HOLD (and I can’t stress this enough, hold) down the interact button on your respective consoles.

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