Record of Agarest War Zero PS3 Cheats


Trophy Description
Better Safe Than Sorry (Silver) Overkilled 500 enemies.
Certified Pre-Owned (Bronze) Sold 1000 items.
Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (Bronze) Converted an item.
David Attenborough (Silver) Completed the monster picture book.
Don't Get Cocky! (Silver) You've defeated the monstrous Decimal.
Dungeon Master (Silver) Cleared all the hidden dungeons.
Enhance! Enhance! (Bronze) Earned 25,000,000 EP.
Fight in the Shade (Silver) Defeated 10,000 enemies.
First in our Hearts (Bronze) Cleared Generation 1.
Fleet of Foot (Bronze) Raise your AGI over 50!
He Chose...Poorly (Bronze) Changed Ellis's appearance.
Homeowner (Bronze) Got your first title!
Hot Springs Eternal (Silver) You have visited the hot springs.
I Know (Silver) You reached the end of a generation with at least one woman completely in love with you.
It Happens to a Lot of Guys (Bronze) Nope, he did it again.
It's a Trap! (Bronze) Captured a monster.
It's My Specialty (Bronze) Successfully executed a Special Art.
It's the Only Way to be Sure (Bronze) Defeated an opponent with an Overkill.
Landlord (Silver) You have more than 100 titles.
Love is a Battlefield (Silver) Engaged in 2,500 battles.
Monarch (Gold) You have all the titles. Good work!
Monstrous (Bronze) Combined monsters.
Nirvana...? (Bronze) Created a marionette.
Platinum Trophy (Platinum) You've acquired all the trophies.
Point Technician (Bronze) Earned 10,000 TP.
Profilific (Bronze) Un all profiles.
Real Soviet Damage (Silver) Dealt 10,000,000 points of damage.
Second to None (Bronze) Cleared Generation 2.
Son of a Beach (Silver) You have visited the beach.
Sound of Mind (Bronze) Raise your INT over 50!
Spoils of War (Bronze) Earned 25,000,000 G.
Stay Classy, Kraltarla (Bronze) Change your class. This takes a special item...
Stout of Heart (Bronze) Raise your VIT over 50!
Stroke of Luck (Bronze) Raise your LUK over 50!
Strong of Body (Bronze) Raise your STR over 50!
The Combine (Silver) Combine monsters 100 times.
The Important Bits, at Least (Silver) Cleared the digest route.
They Mostly Come Out at Night (Silver) Defeated the four types of hidden monsters.
Til You Drop (Bronze) Went shopping 500 times.
Time and Again (Bronze) Successfully executed a distinctive Special Art.
Truth and Consequences (Gold) Saw the true ending.
We Meet at Last (Silver) Encountered the worst enemy.
You're Already Dead! (Silver) Try and get a hit count of 650.
You're En Good Hance (Silver) Enhanced items over 5,000 times.

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