apex legends leaver penalty

Apex Legends Leaver Penalty | Why was I punished for leaving early?

An Apex Legends leaver penalty has been infurating players since it was quietly patched into the game this week. The new feature, which punished players for leaving matches early, has caused uproar on social media. Find out what the deal is with the Apex Legends leaver penalty, and how Respawn have addressed it.

Apex Legends Leaver Penalty | Why was I punished?

apex legends leaver penalty

To explain the Apex Legends leaver penalty, we have to go back a day to the recent 1.06 update that Respawn patched into the game. As part of this update, players began to notice that they were being penalized for leaving matches early, regardless of whether this was before they’d begun or during games if they were killed.

Numerous threads began popping up on the game’s Reddit page as players flocked online to complain about the sudden emergence of this feature. One user, called 1C4NTD1E, revealed that they had been locked out of playing for five hours after they left a match before it had begun.

Another, known as lifes_a_trip0, vented their frustation at having to sit through matches, that they’d already been killed in, for fear of being blocked from playing if they left early too. Given that there had been no official announcement from Respawn about its introduction, you can understand fans’ ire.

Apex Legends Leaver Penalty | Respawn’s response

apex legends leaver penalty

After plenty of fan feedback, Respawn took to the game’s Reddit page to reveal what exactly had happened. The developer explained that the Apex Legends leaver penalty had accidentally been patched in with the 1.06/1.1 update. This was down to a “piece of missing code” that ultimately allowed the feature to go live ahead of time.

Respawn has since disabled the feature, and said that it was still testing it out before a possible full roll out. The team declined to state when the feature may be implemented fully, if at all, so it’s possible that this may never see the light of day again.

If it does, fans will likely be annoyed at it returning for good. Considering the backlash this has caused, we’d be very surprised if Respawn and EA bring it back without a few tweaks.

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