If you want the lowdown on what Harry Potter Wizards Unite Foundables are, you’ve come to the right place. You might be wondering where their locations are, how to recover them if you find them, and more. Read our Harry Potter Wizards Unite Foundables guide to learn everything about these in-game items.
Harry Potter Wizards Unite Foundables | Locations
Harry Potter Wizards Unite Foundables are items, creatures, characters, memories, and other things that are scattered throughout the world. They’ve been brought into the real world by what’s known as The Calamity and, as part of Statute of Secrecy Task Force duties, you must find them and sending them back to the Wizarding World.
The location of Foundables can be seen on the in-game map, and are denoted by Magic Traces. These icons pop up when you’re near to a famous landmark, public park, or other buildings in your area. Once you find one, you can tap on them and have the chance to get them back and keep them out of Muggle or enemy hands.
Harry Potter Wizards Unite Foundables | How to obtain them
To get these Harry Potter Wizards Unite Foundables, you need to perform a spell. To do this, you must tap on the screen so that a traceable letter or image appears on your device. Doing this might bring up a dial that shows the “threat level” posed by certain items, and these ones are the items that you’ll definitely need to recover.
Once the traceable item appears, you must trace it as quickly as possible while copying it as exact as you can. Your spell cast rating will depend on how accurately you trace this image, and it will also give you the best chance of recovering the Foundable.
You must make sure that you stand on the in-game Marker too before you cast your spell. You can’t move to a different location on the AR map, otherwise, you won’t be able to cast spells.
Harry Potter Wizards Unite Foundables | Can Foundables disappear?
Yes, some Harry Potter Wizards Unite Foundables can “escape” your grasp. After you hit them with a spell, some items — such as Confoundables — can resist your magic. You’ll need to level up with potions or increase your spell powers in order to get these items back.
If you continue to try casting spells on items above your level then they can disappear. Much like Pokemon Go‘s critters can flee, some Foundables can be whisked away by enemy magic. If that happens, don’t worry. Just level up and you’ll have a better chance next time.