How to Enter Temple Run Cheats

How to Enter Cheat Codes for Temple Run


In this situation, we've got good news and bad news for those gamers enjoying Temple Run and looking for a quick high-score and an easy run.


The good news is that anyone with a Jailbroken iPhone or iPod Touch can enter codes at anytime by accessing the keyboard on Temple Run's title screen.


The bad news is that after update 1.4 (details here) this is the only way to enter these cheat codes. If you've still got Temple Run version 1.3, you can still use the cheat codes, but updating beyond that version will lock the ability to enter codes at the title screen.


In case you do have a jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch, you can enter the following two codes:


samhines86 - Invincibility Code


rxh7nigh - Unlocks Extra Characters

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