Skylanders Cloud Patrol iPhone Cheats


Complete list of Game Center Achievements

Amateur (10 pts) - Complete 10 goals.

Anti-Air Defenses (20 pts) - Shoot down 100 missles.

Big Spender (20 pts) - Spend over 100000 coins!

Change is Good (10 pts) - Skip a goal.

Connect the Dots (20 pts) - Shoot 4 missles in a single combo!

Consolation Prize (20 pts) - Die from bombs 20 times.

Efficient (20 pts) - Get a MAX combo 50 times.

Face the Elements (20 pts) - Complete a goal with a Skylander of each element.

Golden Badge (100 pts) - Get to Level 51 to upgrade your Cloud Patroller Badge.

Healthy Obsession (50 pts) - Clear 50 areas in one run.

Home Wrecker (10 pts) - Clear 10 Troll Hideouts!

It's Super Effective! (50 pts) - Get a MAX combo 200 times.

Jackpot (50 pts) - Earn over 7500 coins in one run.

Journeyman (20 pts) - Complete 50 goals.

Master (50 pts) - Complete 200 goals.

Maximum Magic (20 pts) - Fully upgrade a Magic Item.

Neat Freak (20 pts) - Clear 25 areas in one run.

Ovinophobia (20 pts) - Shoot 100 Sheep.

Paycheck (20 pts) - Earn over 3000 coins in one run.

Persistent Patroller (20 pts) - Complete a goal a day for a week straight.

Picky Player (10 pts) - Change goals 10 times.

Ready to Rock N Roll (10 pts) - Unlock your first Magic Item.

Shock and Aww Yeah (20 pts) - Clear 100 Troll Hideouts!

Tappy-go-lucky (20 pts) - Clear 20 areas in one run without getting a combo.

The 1% (50 pts) - Earn 250000 coins lifetime.

The Answer (20 pts) - Die in the 42nd area of your run.

The Collector (50 pts) - Unlock a Skylander of each element.

The Creators (10 pts) - View the credits.

The First of Many! (10 pts) - Unlock your first Skylander.

Tidy Up (10 pts) - Clear 10 areas in one run.

Wrecking Ball (20 pts) - Destroy 1000 objects.


How to unlock more Skylanders or Magic Items

Two ways You can do that:

1) Acquire enough Gems to unlock the Skylander or Magic Items in the Collection

2) You can enter in the Web Code found on the Web Code Card that is included with all Skylander toy purchases. To do this, locate the Skylander or Magic Item of your choice in the Colleciton and tap on the barcode icon. When prompted, enter in the 10 digit code found on your Web Code Card.

How to get more Gems?

1) Leveling up by completing Goals

2) Finding present boxes floating in the Skylands

3) by purchasing them through the Gem Store. Please note that a Gem Store purchase uses real money.

How to get more Coins?

1) By creating big combos in while hunting trolls. To combo, swipe your finger across multiple targets and release before they attack you! You can target trolls, balloons, crates, and even projectiles.

2) If the Skylander you have selected matches the Element of the Day, you will receive a massive coin bonus!

3) Unlock the Hidden Treasure Magic Item from the Collection. This Magic Item will give you a substantial boost to coin payout when it’s active.

How to Level Up?

Level Up by earning the required number of Stars to boost your level to the next rank. The only way to earn stars is by completing Goals given to you at the start of each game. You can view your Goals at any time by tapping the pause button in the upper right and making sure the GOALS tab is selected.

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