Harry Potter Wizards Unite Vault is Full

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Vault is Full | How to unlock Vault extensions

You’ll have come across the Harry Potter Wizards Unite Vault is full message if you’ve been playing the game for any length of time. If you have, you might be wondering about how to unlock Vault extensions so you can store more items. Well, fear not, Potterhead, for we come bearing gifts on the answers to these queries that you have. Read our Harry Potter Wizards Unite full Vault guide to learn more about this area of Niantic’s AR title.

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Vault is full | Max capacity

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Vault is Full

There will come a point when you’ll see the Harry Potter Wizards Unite Vault is full message for the first time. It could be your potions, ingredients, seeds and water, or spell energy capacity that gets maxed out, but the same message applies to all.

If you exceed the number of items you can store, you’ll be met with a pop-up message. It’ll read “Not enough space for this item. Permanently increase your Vault space by” and then a Vault capacity increase will be shown along with how much gold it’ll cost to upgrade.

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Vault is full | Storage increase

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Vault is Full

When you inevitably come across the Harry Potter Wizards Unite Vault is full message, you’ll be given the chance to upgrade your Vaults. These take the form of Vault extensions and increase the number of items you can store.

You can upgrade these from the message that shows up. Alternatively, you can increase them beforehand too. To do this, tap the “Plus” button on individual Vaults and shell out gold to do so. We’ve listed each Vault section, along with their capacity increase and gold cost, below for your convenience:


This Vault can be increased by 10 items, and it’ll cost 200 gold.


To expand this capacity by 30 items, you’ll have to stump up 150 gold.

Spell Energy

To up your spell energy by 10 slots, you can hand over 150 gold.

Seeds and Water

To add 10 items to this Vault’s capacity, you’ll fork out 150 gold.

Full Vault pack

You can increase the size of all four Vaults in one might package. Doing so will cost 475 gold though, so make sure you have enough first.

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