Civilization V: Gods and Kings New Units and Buildings

Unique unit: Hussar
Cost: 150 Production
Combat Type: Mounted
Combat: 34 Strength
Movement: 5
Abilities: No Defensive Terrain Bonuses, Can Move After Attacking, Penalty Attacking Cities (33), Extra
Sight (1), Enhanced Flank Attack
Requires: 1 Horses
Replaces: Cavalry
Unique building: Coffee House
Cost: 167 Production
Maintenance: 2 Gold
Bonuses: +5% Production, +2 Production, +25% Great People generation in this City.

Replaces: Windmill


Unique unit #1: Cataphract
Cost: 67 Production or 130 Faith
Combat Type: Mounted
Combat: 15 Strength
Movement: 3
Abilities: Can Move After Attacking, Penalty Attacking Cities (25)
Requires: 1 Horses
Replaces: Horseman
Unique unit #2: Dromon
Cost: 37 Production
Combat Type: Naval
Combat: 8 Strength
Ranged Combat: 10 Strength
Range: 2
Movement: 4
Abilities: Cannot Enter Deep Ocean, May Not Melee Attack, Bonus vs Naval (50%)
Replaces: Trireme
Unique unit #1: African Forest Elephant
Cost: 67 Production or 130 Faith
Combat Type: Mounted
Combat: 14 Strength
Movement: 3
Abilities: No Defensive Terrain Bonuses, Can Move After Attacking, Penalty Attacking Cities, Feared
Elephant (Enemy units receive -10% Combat Strength when adjacent), Great Generals 2 (Combat very likely to create great generals)
Replaces: Horseman

Unique unit #2: Quinquereme
Cost: 30 Production
Combat Type: Naval Melee
Combat: 13 Strength
Movement: 4
Abilities: Cannot Enter Deep Ocean
Replaces: Trireme

Unique unit: Mehal Sefari
Cost: 134 Production
Combat Type: Gunpowder
Combat: 34 Strength
Movement: 2
Abilities: Drill 1, Near Capital Bonus (30% stronger while fighting in the capital; bonus falls off as the unit gets further away)
Replaces: Rifleman

Unique building: Stele
Cost: 26 Production
Maintenance: 1 Gold
Bonuses: +2 Culture, +2 Faith

Replaces: Monument
Unique unit #1: Hakkapeliitta
Cost: 123 Production or 240 Faith
Combat Type: Mounted
Combat: 25 Strength
Movement: 4
Abilities: Transfer Movement to General, Great General Combat Bonus (15%), No Defensive Terrain Bonuses,
Can Move After Attacking, Penalty Attacking Cities (33), Formation 1 (+33% Combat Strength vs Mounted units)
Requires: 1 Horses
Replaces: Lancer
Unique unit #2: Carolean
Cost: 150 Production
Combat Type: Gunpowder
Combat: 34 Strength
Movement: 2
Abilities: March (Unit will heal every turn, even if it performs an action)
Replaces: Rifleman
The Celts
Unique unit: Pictish Warrior
Cost: 37 Production or 70 Faith
Combat Type: Melee
Combat: 11 Strength
Movement: 2
Abilities: Foreign Lands Bonus (Combat Bonus outside Friendly Territory), No Movement Cost to Pillage

Perks: Earns 50% of opponents' strength as Faith for kills.
Replaces: Spearman
Unique building: Ceilidh Hall
Cost: 134 Production
Maintenance: 2 Gold
Bonuses: +3 Happiness, +4 Culture
Replaces: Opera House

The Huns
Unique unit #1: Horse Archer
Cost: 37 Production or 70 Faith
Combat Type: Archery
Combat: 7 Strength
Ranged Combat: 10 Ranged Strength
Range: 2
Movement: 4
Abilities: No Defensive Terrain bonuses, May Not Melee Attack, Accuracy 1 (+15% Ranged Combat
Strength against Units in OPEN terrain)

Replaces: Chariot Archer
Unique unit #2: Battering Ram
Cost: 50 Production or 100 Faith
Combat Type: Melee
Combat: 10 Strength
Movement: 2
Abilities: Bonus vs cities (+300%), No Defensive Terrain Bonuses, Penalty on Defense (33), Limited
Visibility, Cover 1, City Attack Only
Replaces: Spearman
The Maya

Unique unit: Atlatlist
Cost: 24 Production or 40 Faith
Combat Type: Archery
Combat: 5 Strength
Ranged Combat: 7 Ranged Strength
Range: 2
Movement: 2
Abilities: May not melee attack
Replaces: Archer
Unique building: Pyramid
Cost: 26 Production
Maintenance: 1 Gold
Bonuses: +2 Faith, +2 Science
Replaces: Shrine

The Netherlands

Unique unit: Sea Beggar
Cost: 100 Production
Combat Type: Naval Melee
Combat: 25 Strength
Movement: 5
Abilities: Coastal Raider 1 (+20% Combat Strength when attacking Cities. Steal gold equal to 33% of the damage inflicted on a city), Coastal Raider 2, Prize Ships (Defeated enemy naval unit joins your side), Supply (May heal damage Outside of Friendly Territory. 15 HP healed per turn)
Replaces: Privateer
Unique improvement: Polder
Yields: +3 Food
Can be built on: Marsh, Flood Plains
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