Dynamite Jack iPhone Cheats


Save points can be used as hiding places.

Enemies can't see bombs, so don't worry about placing them in sight.

Turn your flashlight off if you don't need it.


Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement.

  • Bloodbath - You killed all the guards in this map.
  • Collector - You collected all the cartridges in this map.
  • Completion - You collected all achievements for each map!
  • Demolition King - You detonated 30 bombs in this map.
  • Escape Artist - You beat this map without using any keys.
  • Expert Miner - You collected all the anathemite crystals in this map.
  • Master of Darkness - You beat this map without using the flashlight.
  • Mercy Award - You killed zero guards in this map.
  • Packrat - You collected all the cartridges in all the maps.
  • Prison Break - You escaped the Anathema Mines.
  • Speed Demon - You beat this map in under a minute.
  • Survivalist - You beat this map without dying.
  • Tutorial Graduation - You beat the first map.
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