Torchlight II PC Cheats

Cheat Codes

Enabling the Console

To enable the console, go to C:UsersYOURUSERNAMEDocumentsmy gamesRunic GamesTorchlight 2save(number). The number will be different from person to person, the point is that it is a string of numbers. Open that folder, then open up settings.txt (back up recommended, like always). Change 'Console:0' to 'Console:1' Once you are in game, press the Insert key (INS) to open up the console.

  • Add a friend by username or email. - ADDFRIENDBYUSER
  • Toggles monster AI on and off - AIFREEZE
  • Spawns all items - ALLITEMS
  • Gives you all stats - ALLSTATS
  • Player will always score critical hits - ALWAYSCRIT
  • Goes down a floor - ASCEND
  • CLS - Clear Console History
  • Gives you defense points - DEFENSE
  • Goes up a floor - DESCEND
  • Gives you ranged points - DEXTERITY
  • Displays the current game difficulty - DIFFICULTY
  • Disables the Player's pet - DISABLEPET
  • Gives you fame points - FAME
  • Shows the frame rate and other information - FPS
  • Toggles Godmode - GOD
  • Toggles both Godmode and Speed mode - GODSPEED
  • Reduces the player's and the player's pet HP by the given percent - HURTME
  • Identifies all items in the player's inventory - IDENTIFYALL
  • Creates an a an item the given number of times - ITEM ,
  • Kills all monsters - KILLALL
  • Increase XP to the next level - LEVELUP
  • Gives you magic points - MAGIC
  • Gives you gold - MONEY
  • The player will not gain XP - NOXP
  • Makes monsters not target the player - PLAYERNOTARGET
  • Sets a quest to complete - QUESTCOMPLETE
  • Resets the player's pet level to 1 - RESETPETLEVEL
  • Resets the player's stats, skills, and level - RESETPLAYER
  • Resets the player's level to 1 - RESETPLAYERLEVEL
  • Resets the player's skills - RESETSKILL
  • Resets the player's stat points - RESETSTATS
  • Sets the current difficulty - SETDIFFICULTY
  • Sets the pet's level - SETPETLEVEL
  • Sets the time of day - SETTIME
  • Sets the timescale for time of day - SETTIMESCALE
  • HELP - Show list of commands
  • Gives you skill points - SKILLPOINTS
  • Toggles additional speed for the character - SPEED
  • Gives you stat points - STATPOINTS
  • Gives you melee points - STRENGTH

Item replication

Left click on any goods/merchandise (preferably the cheapest one). You'll have selected the item to put it in your inventory. But instead of putting it in a empty slot put it on a pre-existing item in your inventory (preferably the most expensive one). You will have a replication of that item you clicked on. Note: This won't copy the enchantments, but will generate a randomly enchanted item.

Infinite Potions

With a new character, place your potions into a shared stash chest on the north side of Torchlight. Delete the character and load a different character. Grab the potions you left for yourself -- and repeat!

Easter Egg

The Goonies come to Estheria

Plunder Cove, an optional quest available in act one, is replete with references to the 1985 film 'The Goonies'. Hidden randomly within the level you should be able to find a lootable corpse named Chester Copperpot, after the ill-fated Oregonian whose skeletal remains were stumbled upon in the tunnels beneath the Fratelli hideout. The boss of this quest, One-Eyed Willy, is also a nod to the film, and the cove where you can find his ship also bears many resemblances to the location in the film. It is possible to find two socketables in this stage; Copperpot always drops a rare called 'One-Eyed Willy's Other Eye', and Willy himself has a chance to drop a unique called 'One-Eyed Willy's Eye'.

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