Shufflepuck Cantina What are the differences between the mallets?

Different mallets can enhance your gameplay. You should look at these as they are worth of purchse:

Wide Mallet

Cost: 10,000 Credz

Effect: Mallet a little bit wider, better chance of controlling the puck.

Extra Wide Mallet

Cost: 15,000 Credz

Effect: Mallet very wide, better chance of controlling the puck.

Triangular Mallet

Cost: 5,000 Credz

Effect: The player will have a hard time returning pucks in a straight line.

Cognitive Mallet

Cost: 10,000 Credz

Effect: A green and red diode indicates the highest directional probability of the next shot.

Providential Mallet

Cost: 10,000 Credz

Effect: The player earns Credz with each puck contact.
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