Real Racing 3 iPhone Cheats


Shorten Wait Times

If you'd rather not wait for time to pass before you can upgrade your vehicles, there's a way to get around that restriction. You'll have to adjust your device's time settings, however, and manually adjust the date forward. That will trick the game into believing that the required time has passed, and you'll receive the desired upgrade without waiting. Then you'll want to return the device's system clock to its normal time so that you don't have issues with other applications.


Turn the braking assist to low or even better off you;ll make better times.

Do not follow the car in front of you. If you do that you can only go as fast as they are going, and the car in front of them, etc. Pick your own path, preferably on the inside of the turn.

When you race and beat the time of one of your Game Center of Facebook friends, you get a bonus in R$. So, it’s best to add as many friends as you can to maximize the bonus opportunities.

To conserve your money and to do the best in the races of a circuit, it’s best to only upgrade one car in each circuit. It allows you to upgrade a single car fully, which will let you do better in more races.

Your first priority should be to upgrade your first car, as the standard build will only get you so far.

Once you've finished a race, you can go back and play it again for more money. You'll need to do this to get more cars and upgrades, but it's also a great excuse to learn the tracks.

If your vehicle takes damage, its performance will degrade, and the only way to fix that is to put the car in for repairs.

In the drag races, tap the gear shift just as your tachometer reaches the red.

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