Mario Kart Tour Giant Banana

How to use Mario Kart Tour Giant Banana Three Times

The Mario Kart Tour giant banana weekly challenge seems like it should be an easy one to complete. This task wants you to use a giant banana three times in Mario Kart Tour. However, not everyone can use this item, so you may wonder how to complete it with ease. Luckily for you, our Mario Kart Tour giant banana guide will give you some helpful hints as to how to navigate it. Read on for an expert article that will help you check this challenge off in no time at all.

How to Complete Mario Kart Tour Giant Banana Challenge

Mario Kart Tour Giant Banana

Right, in order to complete the Mario Kart Tour giant banana weekly challenge, you’ll need to know which characters can use it. The giant banana is a special item that only select characters can get. Of the current roster, these are the only two who can:

  • Donkey Kong
  • Morton

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That means you’ll have to select either of these playable characters in order to complete this task. Bear in mind that you don’t need to hit three drivers with one giant banana. You only need to place three giant bananas on any track to tick this one-off.

We’ve listed some tips below that will give you a much better chance of chalking this challenge off easily, so read on below to see how to do so:

  • Play as Donkey Kong on Dino Dino Jungle or Rock Rock Mountain. These are favored courses for our favorite Nintendo ape. This gives him a chance of getting a Frenzy. If he goes into Frenzy mode, he’ll get three giant bananas from one item box. You can complete this challenge in one go if so.
  • Play as Morton on Kalimari Desert. Again, Morton can go into Frenzy mode here as this is a favored track for him and can use multiple giant bananas if he goes into Frenzy mode.
  • If you prefer a challenge, just play as either character on any other track. It’ll take longer to complete, but it might be more enjoyable than getting it done as soon as possible.
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