Batman: Arkham City: Armored Edition Wii U Cheats

Cheat Codes

Costume Select

At the menu, enter the following code and you'll be able to choose the costume Batman will be wearing once you start playing: LEFT, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, UP, DOWN.


Skins and Outfits

There are alternate Skins in Arkham City, allowing players to change the looks of Batman and Robin.

1970s Batman

- AU: Preorder at EB Games

- UK: Preorder at ShopTo

- US: Preorder at Toys 'R' Us

Animated Series

- AU: Preorder at JB HiFi

- NZ: Preorder at MightyApe

Batman Beyond

- AU: Preorder at Game

- UK: Preorder at GameStop

- NZ: Preorder at MightyApe

The Dark Knight Returns

- Comes with the Collector's Edition of Arkham City

Earth One

- AU: Preorder at JB HiFi

- NZ: Preorder at MightyApe

Sinestro Corps Skin (PS3 Exclusive)

- Buy a Copy of Green Lantern on Blu-ray from Best Buy.

Red Robin

- UK: Preorder at GAME OR gamestation,

- US: Preorder at Best Buy

New Game +

Complete Batman: Arkham City on Normal or Hard difficulty to unlock New Game + Mode where you will retain all of your gadgets and XP. Several things are different in the New Game +:

- No counter icons on thugs.

- Different Thug Levels: Tougher thugs are available from the start of the game.

- Different Thug Configuration.

- Increased Difficulty Bosses: Bosses will be even more cunning.

Easter Eggs

Star Wars Reference (Lightsaber)

If you look closely in one of Deadshot's storage closets, you'll see that he has a lightsaber (an apparent reference to the fact that Mark Hamill, the voice actor for the Joker, also voiced Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars trilogy).

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