Cheat Codes
Dhoulmagus Battle
When you very first begin the fight with dhoulmagus, you should instantly switch the battle functions of Yagun, Angelo and Jessica to fight wisely, or have Angelo and Yangus focus on healing and keep Jessica under your control.
This battle is a very long one and can take up to an hour to complete at lvl 33 to 38. Having all three characters fight on their own can get them killed if they are not properly levelled.
Constantly cast mid heal or full heal depending on how much damage is done to each character. Dont focus on psyching up, its pointless. Keep all your characters equipped with single-ememy attacking capabilities.
Hero: Falcon Blade or better
Jessica: Dragon Tail Whip or better
Yagus: Steel Sycth or better
Angelo: Dream Blade or better
Do not use spears, boomeranges, daggers or hammers. Focus on healing and ability attacks and the battle should be won easily.Accessories Formulas
Agility ring = Prayer ring + Seed of agility
Catholicon ring = Full moon ring + Ring of truth + Ring of immunity
Elevating shoes = Fishnet stockings + Happy hat
Full moon ring = Gold ring + Poison moth knife
Goddess ring = Recovery ring + Orichalcum
Holy talisman = Tough guy tattoo + Holy water + Gold rosary
Life bracer = Recovery ring + Gold bracer
Meteorite bracer = Agility ring + Agility ring + Orichalcum
Mighty armlet = Strength ring + Titan belt
Prayer ring = Gold ring + Seed of Magic
Recovery ring = Prayer ring + Seed of life
Ring of awakening = Gold ring + Dream blame
Ring of clarity = Gold ring + Fallen angel rapier
Ring of immunity = Gold ring + Poison needle
Ring of truth = Gold ring + Sandstorm spear
Ruby of protection = Prayer ring + Seed of defence
Scholar's specs = Ring of awakening + Ring of clarity + Seed of wisdom
Skull ring = Sorcerer's ring + Devil's tail
Sorcerer's ring = Skull ring + Saint's ashes + Saint's ashes
Strength ring = Prayer ring + Seed of strength
Titan belt = Leather kilt + strength ringArmor Formulas
Angel's robe = Flowing dress + Magical skirt
Bandit mail = Heavy Armour + Bandit axe + Bandit's grass skirt
Boxer shorts = Bandit's grass skirt + Bandana
Bronze armour = Chain mail + Bronze shield
Bunny suit = Silk bustier + Bunny tail
Chain mail = Wayfarer's clothes + Chain whip
Crimson robe = Sage's robe + Magic water + Nook grass
Dancer's mail = Silver mail + Dancer's costume
Dark robe = Cloak of evasion + Devil's tail + Wing of bat
Divine bustier = Dangerous bustier + Shimmering dress
Dragon mail = Silver mail + Dragon scale + Dragon Scale
Fur poncho = Magic beast hide + Magic beast hide
Gigant armour = Bandit mail + Mighty armlet + Mighty armlet
Iron cuirass = Iron shield + Iron shield
Leather armour = Wayfarer's clothes + Magic beast hide
Leather dress = Dancer's costume + Magic beast hide
Leather kilt = Leather whip + Bandana
Magical skirt = Bandit's grass skirt + Magical hat + Magical mace
Magic armour = Full plate armour + Prayer ring + Ruby of protection
Metal king armour = Liquid metal armour + Slime crown + Orichalcum
Mirror armour = Sivler mail + Mirror shield + Mirror shield
Platinum mail = Zombie mail + Saint's ashes
Princess's robe = Angel's robe + Gold rosary + Shimmering Dress
Robe of serenity = Cloak of evasion + Boxer shorts
Sage's robe = Magic vestment + Scholar's cap
Scale armour = Chain mail + Bronze shield
Shimmering dress = Sprangled dress + Ruby of protection + Gold bracer
Silver cuirass = Iron cuirass + Silver platter + Silver platter
Spiked armour = Magic armour + Edged boomerang
Templar's uniform = Way farer's clothes + Templar's shield
Wayfarer's clothes = Plain clothes + Plain clothes
Zombie mail = Platinum mail + Devil's tail
Zombie mail = Silver mail + zombiesbaneAxes formula
Bandit axe = Battle-axe + Thief's key
Golden axe = Iron axe + Gold nugget
Iron axe = Farmer's scythe + Farmer's scythe
King axe = Golden axe + Slime crown
Moon axe = Golden axe + Moon's mercy
Stone axe = Stone hardhat + Cypress stickBoomerang Formula
Flametang boomerang = Swallowtail + Flame shield
Metal wing boomerang = Razor wing boomerang + Metal king spear
Razor wing boomerang = Edged boomerang + Wing of bat + Steel scythe
Reinforced boomerang = Boomerang + Iron nailBow Formulas
Cheiron's bow = Eros' bow + Power shield
Eros' bow = Hunter's bow + Garter
Hunter's bow = Cypress stick + Cypress stick + Strength ring
Hunter's bow = Short bow + Chain whip
Odin's bow = Cheiron's bow + Eros' bow + Great bowCheese Formulas
Angel Cheese = Fresh milk + Premium mould + Yggdrasil dew
C-c-cold cheese = Cold cheese + Premium mould + Dragon dung
Chilly cheese = Cool cheese + Waterweed mould
Chunky cheese = Plain cheese + Magic water
Cold cheese = Chilly cheese + Waterweed mould + Waterweed mould
Cool cheese = Plain cheese + Waterweed mould
Cured cheese = Fresh milk + Premium mould + Amor seco essence
Hard cheese = Plain cheese + Rock salt
Highly-strung cheese = Super spicy cheese + cold cheese + Rock salt
Mild cheese = Plain cheese + Amor seco essense
Plain cheese = Fresh milk + Rennet powder
Plain cheese = Scorching cheese + C-c-cold cheese
Scorching cheese = Super spicy cheese + Premium mould + Dragon dung
Soft Cheese = Fresh milk + Rennet powder + Rock salt
Spicy cheese = Plain cheese + Red mould
Super spicy cheese = Spicy cheese + Nook grass
Super spicy cheese = Spicy cheese + Red mould + Red mouldDagger Formulas
Assassin's dagger = Eagle dagger + Poison needle
Falcon Knife = Slime earrings + Tough guy tattoo + Agility ring
Imp knife = Assassin's dagger + Devil's tailHammer Formulas
Megaton hammer = Uber war hammer + Conquerer's axe + Orichalcum
Sledgehammer = Giant mallet + Iron helmet + Iron helmet
Uber war hammer = War hammre + Mighty armletHelmet formulas
Bronze helmet = Stone hardhat + Bronze knife + Bronze knife
Bunny ears = Hairband + Bunny tail
Feathered cap = Leather hat + Chimaera wing
Fur hood = Feathered cap + Fur poncho
Golden tiara = Thinking cap + Silver tiara + Gold nugger
Hades' helm = Mythril helm + Saint's ashes
Happy hat = Feathered cap + Elevating shoes
Hermes' hat = Feathered cap + Mercury's bandana
Mercury's bandana = Bandana + Agility ring
Mythril helm = Hades' helm + Saint's ashes
Phantom Mask = Iron headgear + Dark robe
Pointy Hat = Leather hat + Iron mail
Raging bull helm = Mythril helm + Cowpat + Fresh milk
Scholar's cap = Magical hat + Scholar's specs
Silver tiara = Coral hairpin + Silver platter
Skull helm = Sun crown + Devil's tail
Stone hardhat = Stone axe + Pointy hat
Sun Crown = Skull helm + Saint's ashes
Thinking cap = Scholar's cap + Iron headgear
Turban = Bandana + BandanaIngredient Formulas
Premium mould = Red mould + Waterweed mould + Yggdrasil leaf
Thief's key = Bronze knife + Iron nailScythes Formulas
Hell scythe = Steel scythe + Poison moth knife + Hade's helm
Shield Formulas
Bronze shield = Leather shield + Bronze knife
Dragon shield = Steel shield + Dragon scale + Dragon scale
Flame shield = Magic shield + Flametang boomerange
Goddess shield = Thanatos' shield + saint's ashes
Ice shield = Magic shield + Icicle dirk
Leather shield = Pot lid + Magic beast hide
Magic shield = Steel shield + Prayer's ring + Ruby of protection
Metal king shield = Ruinous shield + Saint's ashes + Orichalcum
Power shield = Magic shield + Strenght ring + Cured cheese
Ruinous shield = Metal king shield + Devil's tail
Saintless shield = Mirror shield + White shield + Holy water
Scale shield = Leather shield + Dragon scale
Silver shield = Mirror shield + Amor seco essence + Magic water
Templar's shield = Iron shield + Templar's uniform
Thanatos' shield = Goddess shield + Devil's tail
White shield = Iron shield + Silver platter
White shield = Light shield + Fresh milk + Fresh milkSpear Formulas
Demon spear = Battle fork + Poison needle + Devil's tail
Holy lance = Long spear + Gold rosary
Iron lance = Cypress stick + Dagger
Long spear = Cypress stick + Cypress stick + Iron lance
Sandstorm spear = Partisan + Saint's ashesStaff Formulas
Magma staff = Wizard's staff + rockbomb shard
Staff of antimagic = Wizard's staff + Rune staff
Staff of resurrection = Rune staff + Life bracer + Yggdrasil leafSword Formulas
Blizzard blade = Bastard sword + Icicle dirk + Cold cheese
Copper Sword = Bronze knife + Bronze knife
Double-edged sword = Uber double-edge + Devil's tail
Dragon slayer = Dragonsbane + Mighty armlet
Fallen angel rapier = Holy silver rapier + Devil's tail + Wing of bat
Holy silver rapier = Templar's sword + Holy talisman
Liquid metal sword = Rusty old sword + Slime crown + Orichalcum
Mercury's rapier = Fallen angel rapier + Mercury's bandana + Mercury's bandana
Rusty old sword = Liquid metal sword + Mystifying mixture + Cowpat
Shamshir of light = Rune staff + Light shield + Shimmering shoes
Uber double-edge = Double-edged sword + Saint's ashes + Saint's ashes
Uber falcon blade = Falcon blade + Meteorite bracer
Uber miracle sword = Miracle sword + Life bracer
Zombie slayer = Zombiesbane + Holy talismanExpendable Item formulas
Amor Seco Essense = Holy Water + Strong Medicine
Chimaera wing = Wing of bat + Wing of bat
Elfin elixir = Yggdrasil dew + Magic water
Greater panacea = Lesser panacea + Rose-root + Rose wort
Greater panacea = Special medicine + Special medicine + special medicine
Holy water = Amor seco essense + Rock salt
Lesser panacea = special medicine + special medicine
Magic water = Holy water + Seed of magic
Moon's mercy = Moonwort bulb + Moonwort bulb + Moonwort bulb
Mystifying mixture = Holy water + Wing of bat + Cowpat
Mystifying mixture = Medicinal herb + Antidotal herb + Moonwart bulb
Strong Medicine = Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb
Special Medicine = Strong Medicine + Strong Medicine
Rose Root = Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb
Rose Root = Strong Medicine + Medicinal Herb
Rose-wort = Medicinal herb + Medicinal herb + Moonwart bulb
Rose-wort = Strong medicine + Moonwart bulb
Sage's stone = Gold nugget + Orichalcum + Yggdrasil dew
Special Antidote = Medicinal Herb + Antidotal Herb + Antidotal Herb
Special Antidote = Strong Antidote + Strong Antidote
Strong Antidote = Medicinal Herb + Antidotal herb
Timbrel of tension = Sun crown + Tough guy tattoo + Magic beast hide
Yggdrasil dew = Yggdrasil leaf + Magic waterWhip Formulas
Demon whip = Scourge whip + Devil's tail
Dragontail whip = Snakeskin whip + Dragon scale + Dragon scale
Leather whip = Devil's tail + Saint's ashes
Scourge whip = Demon whip + Saint's ashes
Snakeskin whip = Leather whip + Scale shieldHint Alko Speed
For alchemical processes, the game measures the distance your buttwad hero travels. To speed up the concoction, do your alchemical mix and locate a house or space where your hero can walk against the wall or corner. Tilt the joystick off center to get your hero moving and keep it steady. You can use rubber bands, an eraser, paper clips, or just rest your PS2 controller on its "legs" and flip it so the sticks are kept off center to do this.
Now you can leave it and do something else (like your homework). When you come back, your mixture will be finished done. Most mixes takes only about 3 to 4 minutes real time using this method.
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