How to Play Titanfall, Controls for Pilots and Titans

We got into Titanfall's beta a day early and have gotten a grasp of how the game controls on Xbox One. Here's everything we learned on how to control both pilots on the ground and those piloting Titan. All control inputs are for the Xbox One version of Titanfall:


Left Stick - Movement.

Click Left Stick - Sprint

Right Stick - Aiming.

Click Righ Stick - Melee attack or execution from behind.

A - Jump. Tap A again after jumping to perform a double jump.

A - Wallrun. If you jump while running towards a wall, you'll jump on to the wall and run along it. You can jump from the wall to another wall or onto a ledge by hitting the A button again.

X - Reload weapon.

B - Crouch

Y - Switch weapon.

Left Trigger - Aim down the sights of your weapon.

Left bumper - Cloak. Turns your character invisible for a short period of time. Watch the meter at the bottom of the screen to keep track of how much Cloak energy you have left.

Right Trigger - Fire weapon.

Right bumper - Throw grenade.

Left on Directional Pad - Switches to Anti-Titan weapon like a rocket launcher or heavy machine gun.

Down on Directional Pad - Call in your Titan. Point your character at a spot on the map and the Titan you've earned will fall down, ready for your orders or for you to pilot.

Down on the Directional Pad w/ Titan on the battlefield - Change the Titan's auto-pilot mode.


Left Stick - Titan Movement.

Click Left Stick - Titan Sprint.

Right Stick - Titan Aiming.

Click Right Stick - Titan Melee attack

A - Dash. You can dash twice in succession with a full dash meter. Pay attention to your dash meter while piloting your Titan as dashing can get you out of tight spots or behind cover fast. The dash meter refills after your dash.

B - Crouch.

X - Reload Titan weapon.

Y - Pick up weapon.

Press and Hold X - Disembark from Titan

Left Trigger - Fine aim control with Titan weapon

Left Bumper - Vortex Shield. The Vortex Shield collects the bullets and rockets fired at your Titan for a short period of time. Releasing the Vortex Shield will allow you to send all that ordinance back at an opposing Titan or a group of soldiers in a big explosion.

Right Trigger - Fire your Titan's weapon.

Right Bumper - Fire an alternate Titan weapon
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