Apex Legends Kings Canyon return start end dates

Apex Legends Kings Canyon LTE | Start and End Dates

Kings Canyon has made its way back into Apex Legends. As revealed by the developers, Kings Canyon is returning to the game in February of 2020, but only for a limited time. How long do you have to play this fan-favorite map before it disappears? After the event ends, when will the map return again? Read on to find out.

Apex Legends Kings Canyon | February 2020 Start and End Dates

Apex Legends Kings Canyon return start end dates

If you want to get another taste of Kings Canyon in Apex Legends, now is the time to act. Kings Canyon has returned, but will only be available between February 20 and February 24, 2020. Once the map is removed on February 24, it’ll be at least another month before it appears again.

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This very-limited Apex Legends event seems to be purely for fan service, not that anyone is complaining. After all, players have been very fond of the classic battle royale map since it first made its debut alongside the launch of the game. Of course, it’s since been replaced by World’s Edge, the newest map to be featured in Apex Legends. For the duration of this limited-time event, players will be able to choose between both of these maps.

Die-hard players will recall that this isn’t the first time that Kings Canyon has come back to Apex Legends. The map briefly reappeared after the Fight or Fright Halloween-themed event late last year, much to fan delight. To make matters better, we know this isn’t going to be the map’s final appearance, either: Kings Canyon will make a proper return for the duration of April, since Season 4 is planned to be split between both maps.

Yes, it’s only a limited-time event, but Kings Canyon has returned to Apex Legends. Get your fill of the map between February 20 and February 24, 2020. After that, you’ll have to wait for the map to reappear in-game around the end of March.

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