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Apex Legends Evo Armor | How does the new shield work?

It’s a good time to be a fan of the game, as the Apex Legends System Override Collection Event is set to begin on March 3, 2020. There’s plenty to get excited about when it comes to the event, but the new Apex Legends Evo Armor is probably one of the more interesting aspects of it. In this guide, we’ll let you in on what the new Apex Legends Evo Shield is and how it works. It’s time to prepare yourself for the Evo Shields, they’re rather neat.

Apex Legends Evo Armor | How does the Evo Shield work?

Apex Legends Evo Armor

What is the Apex Legends Evo Shield?

As part of the Apex Legends System Override Collection Event, the Deja Loot LTM (limited-time mode) will take place. Within this LTM, you will be able to pick up a new kind of shield, the Apex Legends Evo Shield. You should be able to find it as you would any other kind of consumable, weapon, or piece of armor. It’s identifiable on the map as it’s surrounded with a noticeable glow. The Evo Shield improves as you deal damage, beginning as a white piece of armor.

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How does the Evo Armor work?

The Evo Shield has four levels of power. Its strength improves as you deal damage. It begins white, before eventually rising up to its most powerful color, red. The four stages of the Apex Legends Evo Armor are as follows:

  • White
  • Blue
  • Purple
  • Red

The Red Evo Shield is stronger than the standard Gold Shield you can find. Remember, though, you need to deal damage to level the Evo Shield up. What’s more, too, if you pick up an Evo Shield from a vanquished foe, it will be at the level they raised it to. This means that if you kill an enemy with a level four, red Evo Shield, it will be that level for you when you equip it. If the Apex Legends Evo Shield proves popular in Deja Loot, Respawn could move it over to the main game, too. The developer is looking for feedback on the new armor.

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