Star Wars: Squadrons Nintendo Switch

Is there a Star Wars: Squadrons Nintendo Switch release date?

After initially leaking as Star Wars: Project Maverick, EA has now officially unveiled Star Wars: Squadrons. An all-new space combat game in the vein of the classic Rogue Squadron series, it’s got fans of the Star Wars universe pretty excited. Everyone except Switch owners, that is, with the reveal making no mention of Nintendo’s hybrid handheld. Is there a Star Wars: Squadrons Nintendo Switch version scheduled for the future, though? Keep scrolling to find out.

Is Star Wars: Squadrons coming to Nintendo Switch?

Star Wars: Squadrons Nintendo Switch

At the time of writing, Electronic Arts (EA) hasn’t announced any plans regarding a Star Wars: Squadrons Nintendo Switch port. That means there’s no Star Wars: Squadrons Nintendo Switch release date for us to share right now.

ALSO: Star Wars: Squadrons Reactions | How fans reacted to EA’s multiplayer game

It’s unfortunate news, but not all that surprising when you look at EA’s history with the Nintendo Switch system. To date, just five EA games have been released on Switch, three of which are annual FIFA iterations. The remaining pair — Fe and Unravel Two — are independent games published under the EA Originals label. While not impossible, past form would seem to dictate that Star Wars: Squadrons isn’t destined for a Switch launch.

Perhaps most tellingly, Star Wars: Battlefront 2 hasn’t made the jump to Nintendo Switch. Squadrons developer EA Motive worked on that game, so, unless something changes, EA most likely won’t have the team port their upcoming space combat title either.

One thing that might go in Squadrons‘ favor, however, is that it’s a smaller-scale $40 dollar game. Condensing that experience for Switch should be a simpler prospect, in theory, though judging by the visually rich screenshots we’ve seen it’d take a lot of work to get up and running without major compromise.

Ultimately, we’ll just have to wait and see whether EA eventually surprises us with a Star Wars: Squadrons Nintendo Switch release or not. We’ll keep you updated.

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