Can you play Boneworks on Oculus Quest 2?

Can you play Boneworks on Oculus Quest 2?

Boneworks is one of the most prestigious VR games as its mechanics were built specifically to take advantage of VR and the visceral combat VR controllers can provide. But some have been wondering if Boneworks is playable on the Oculus Quest 2, Oculus’ most recent PC-free headset. So can you play Boneworks on Oculus Quest 2?

Is there a Boneworks Oculus Quest 2 version?

Can you play Boneworks on Oculus Quest 2?

Boneworks is not currently natively on the Oculus Quest 2, but a Boneworks game is coming to the Oculus Quest 2 in the future. Stress Level Zero spoke to Oculus on its official blog and spoke about bringing a Boneworks game to the portable VR platform in the future.

“We’re working on bringing ​Boneworks​’ mechanics and core systems to Oculus Quest in an all-new project that we will have more to show from as the year goes on,” said Director Brandon Laatsch.

The quote heavily implies that it won’t be the exact Boneworks game that makes it to the Oculus Quest 2 but will instead some sort of spin-off or game that’s better designed for the hardware. However, this title won’t be an exclusive as the developer explained on a Steam forum post. The game is “not an exclusive title to any platform” and Stress Level Zero “will put it anywhere [it] can.”

This does not mean Oculus Quest 2 users are completely locked out of playing Boneworks. It just requires some extra steps. As of now, Boneworks is only on the Oculus Rift, Vive Index, Windows Mixed Reality, and HTC Vive. And given that it is on the Rift, players can buy a link cable to wire their Oculus Quest 2 to their PC and play Boneworks that way. This obviously kills its portability, but it is currently the only way to play Boneworks on the Quest headset as the Quest Boneworks game is not yet out.

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