XCOM 2 Keyboard Shortcut Commands

As of launch XCOM 2 can only be played on keyboard & mouse or the Steam Controller. Since the game doesn't have an options menu for learning the keyboard commands, we thought it'd be a good idea to share them. Below are the keyboard shortcuts for every input in the game.


SPACEBAR / ENTER - Open Shot HUD/Confirm Action

TAB / MOUSE 4 - Next Unit/Target

LEFT SHIFT / MOUSE 5 - Previous Unit/Target

[1] - [0] - Ability 1-10

Y - Overwatch

R - Reload

Q / E - Rotate Camera Left/Right

W / A / S / D -  Camera Move Up/Left/Down/Right

G / T - Camera Zoom Level Up/Down

MOUSE 3 - Toggle Camera Zoom Level

F / C or MOUSESCROLL UP/DOWN - Ascend/Descent Floor


P - Call Skyranger

Hold CTRL + RIGHT MOUSE - Waypoint Movement

RIGHT MOUSE - Move Unit To Cursor

F5 - Quick Save

F9 - Quick Load

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