dying light 2 co-op unlock

Dying Light 2: How long to unlock co-op? Can you skip prologue?

One of the main attractions of Dying Light 2 is the ability to play with friends. However, the co-op multiplayer option isn’t available from the start, with players having to first go through the game’s prologue on their own. With it not being possible to invite friends during the prologue stage, many are no doubt wondering how long it takes to unlock co-op in Dying Light 2. Or, perhaps even better, is it possible to skip the prologue entirely? Here’s the need-to-know info.

How long does it take to unlock co-op in Dying Light 2?

dying light 2 co-op unlock

It takes around two hours to unlock co-op in Dying Light 2.

Co-op unlocks after the game’s prologue, which takes around two hours to complete. Players could skip through dialogue to try and hurry things up, but you’ll still be looking at a good 90-minute experience. Therefore, those planning on a co-op run with friends will want to make sure all players have completed the prologue.

The Dying Light 2 prologue lasts up until Aiden receives the binoculars. Once the binoculars are unlocked, so is the open world. Players can then be invited into the session or join others.

Can you skip the Dying Light 2 prologue tutorial section?

dying light 2 co-op unlock

No, you can’t skip the Dying Light 2 prologue.

At the time of writing, which is the day of the game’s launch, there is no way to skip past the tutorial section. This is particularly annoying for those hoping to immediately join friends upon booting up the game, or for those playing across multiple systems.

Hopefully a future patch is implemented that allows the prologue sequence to be skipped.

The GameRevolution review of Dying Light 2 describes the game as “a far cry from zombie greatness.”

In sad news for Red Dead fans, it’s been confirmed that Rockstar isn’t teasing a Mexico expansion for Red Dead Redemption 2.

Elsewhere in video games, the latest big release is OlliOlli World. Read the GameRevolution review to learn why it earned a 9/10,

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