sifu easy mode

Sifu Easy Mode: Can You Lower the Difficulty To Make It Easier?

Sifu is a punishingly difficult game. For those who haven’t done their research and are playing without knowing what to expect, this title can seem unfair and ridiculously brutal. After being beaten up a bunch of times, the natural reaction might be to search for a Sifu Easy Mode option. That’s how you end up looking at this guide. So, can you lower Sifu’s difficulty to make it easier? Here’s the need-to-know information.

Does Sifu have an Easy Mode?

sifu easy mode

Sifu does not have an Easy Mode.

There is just the one default difficulty in Sifu. There’s no difficulty menu where you can select “Easy” or “Very Easy,” nor is there a “Story Difficulty” that some other games have. Unfortunately, for those hoping for a quick-and-easy option to severely reduce Sifu’s challenge, it simply does not exist at the time of writing.

Can you lower Sifu’s difficulty to make it easier?

sifu easy mode

Yes, you can lower Sifu’s difficulty to make it easier, but it’s not a simple process.

Sifu becomes easier for players who are able to take advantage of excess XP to reset the death counter and purchase other buffs at Shrines. This isn’t something that will be done in the early game, as XP is best prioritized to learn new moves like the vital Environmental Mastery.

For those just starting out with Sifu, it’s undoubtedly a slog to get to the stage where XP can be guiltlessly spent on Shrine consumables. However, just know that it does get easier!

See what GameRevolution made of the punishing fighter in the Sifu review. Spoiler: I called it an “unexpected Game of the Year contender.”

OlliOlli World is out soon. Read the GameRevolution review to learn how it’s “Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater crossed with Adventure Time.”

Dying Light 2 is another big recent release. Check out the 6.5/10 review here.

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