Battlefield 1 How To Level Up Fast and Unlock Weapons

Battlefield 1 has changed up how progression works. Naturally, a lot of players are confused on how to best level up and get access to new weapons.

In this guide we'll talk about leveling up and unlocking weapons quickly

​Experience Points

In Battlefield 1 you'll earn experience by simply participating in the game. This means killing opponents, using your class kit to support teammates, and earning assists. However, the best way to earn experience is by capturing points and focusing on objectives. While killing an opponent will only net you a small fraction of your level, capping a point can earn you 500XP or even more.

Experience Points are very important because as you level up you'll earn Warbonds (more on that later) as well as Battlechests. The Battlechests will randomly reward you with items, some of which will help you perform better. If nothing else, leveling up will net you a cool-looking rank icon.


You'll want to always have a Medal active, especially one that's feasible to complete within the small timeframe (usually a few days). These are side objectives that reward hundreds of experience, and will boost you very far over time.


All four classes can earn experience at a high rate. However, the Medic and Scout tend to earn the most experience over time due to the nature of their toolkits.

ALSO SEE: Best Weapons For Each Class In Battlefield 1

The Medic is highly reliable since it can heal and resurrect teammates often. Meanwhile, the Scout is great for spotting enemies and securing kills.

The Assault relies heavily on killing vehicles, which is always a risky and time consuming endeavor. And the Support is similar to the Medic in that it can drop supportive items, but it doesn't have something to equal the benefits of being able to resurrect teammates.


​Warbonds are the main currency in Battlefield 1. You will earn around 90 per level up, and can get them through Battlechests as well as Medals.

You can spend Warbonds to earn a variety of goodies, including weapons. It is recommended that you purchase a powerful weapon early on and learn to be comfortable with it, as this will allow you to secure kills more consistently and earn experience.


Play as a Medic or Scout. Invest in good equipment. Practice your aim. Go for objectives. Support your teammates. Profit.
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