Sea of Thieves stuck on counting your coins screen

How To Fix Sea of Thieves ‘Counting Your Coins’ Screen Stuck

Getting stuck on the “Counting Your Coins” screen in Sea of Thieves has been an issue players have faced for years. When trying to purchase an item, sometimes the game gets hung on the loading screen that occurs afterward. This can be irritating, especially if you have mateys that are waiting for you to go plunder the seven seas. We’ll take a look at the cause of the error and possible fixes below.

How to fix getting stuck on Counting Your Coins in Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves Stuck Counting Your Coins

Usually, getting stuck on the Counting Your Coins screen in Sea of Thieves indicates a connection issue. Typically, the problem will be on Microsoft’s end, and the only fix is to keep checking the Xbox status screen and wait for service to be restored.

However, there is an off chance the issue might be on your end. If so, there are a few things you can do:

  • Reset your console or PC
  • Reset your modem and router
  • Reinstall Sea of Thieves

Reset your console or PC

Obviously, resetting your console or PC is often a quick fix for multiple computer woes. However, when you’re frustrated that a game isn’t working, it’s easy to forget it. Try doing a full power cycle and relaunch the game to see if it helped.

Reset your modem and router

If the issue causing you to get stuck on the Counting Your Coins in Sea of Thieves is your connection to the servers, then setting your modem and router can’t hurt things. Sometimes this is all it takes to get things back on track.

Reinstall Sea of Thieves

Sometimes installs fail, files get corrupted, or settings get misconfigured. If this is the case, deleting the game and doing a fresh install will get you back to swabbing the poopdeck in no time.

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