iPhone Depth Effect Not Working

iPhone Depth Effect Not Working for Wallpapers Fix (iOS 16)

iPhone Depth Effect is one of the more interesting features implemented by the new iOS 16 update. This allows parts of the lock screen wallpaper to overlap the time and widgets for an impressive depth illusion. It works really well, except when it doesn’t. Sometimes the “Depth Effect” option is greyed out. Thankfully, there are workarounds for this issue. Here’s how to fix the iPhone Depth Effect not working for wallpapers error.

How to fix the iPhone Depth Effect not working for wallpapers

To fix the iPhone Depth Effect not working for wallpapers, users must:

  • First, check to see if Depth Effect can be enabled.
    • Press the three dots icon in the bottom-right corner and check to see if Depth Effect can be selected.
    • When Depth Effect is grayed out, that means it isn’t available for the current photo in its current position.
  • Use their fingers to adjust the photo position and see if Depth Effect triggers.
    • Positioning the top of the subject to slightly cover the widgets and/or time has the best chance of triggering Depth Effect.
  • Shoot new photos with Depth Effect in mind.
    • Leave a good amount of room above them for the clock and widgets to fit.

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