lord of the rings the rings of power sauron broken sword hilt theo episode 4
Image: Amazon Studios / Prime Video

Rings of Power Episode 4: How Does Sauron’s Sword Work?

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power episode 4 brought with it a bunch of new questions that viewers want answering. Amongst them is just exactly how Sauron’s sword works, and what it means for the series and its characters. Even in the hands of young Theo, it appears to be a dangerous weapon. So, just what should we expect from the deadly instrument moving forward?

What makes Sauron’s sword active?

lord of the rings the rings of power sauron broken sword hilt theo episode 4
Image: Ben Rothstein / Amazon Studios / Prime Video

It appears that the hilt stolen by Theo is still very much usable. It may not even be broken at all, as viewers first assumed. After being attacked by an Orc, Theo brandished the weapon, sticking the backward-facing blade into his own arm. This saw the sword take full form, born out of mystical flames, which he used to slice the attacking Orc’s arm before attempting an escape. Once he did flee, it appeared as though the sword disappeared, leaving just the hilt behind. Whether or not this had anything to do with the water Theo jumped into remains to be seen. It’s likely that instead, more blood is required to keep the sword going.

Viewers did get a glimpse of how the sword worked in a previous episode, when Theo and his mother, Bronwyn, were attacked by a separate Orc. A drop of Theo’s blood fell onto the hilt, transforming it into smoke and allowing the sword to take shape. With it now being clear that his blood can ignite the sword’s full power, it’s unlikely the youngster will be willing to give it up, or even share its secrets with his mother or fellow Southlands people. He may even feel that he has been chosen to protect those that he loves, against the impending threat.

What does the sword mean for the future of The Rings of Power?

lord of the rings the rings of power sauron broken sword hilt theo episode 4
Image: Amazon Studios / Prime Video

As is the case with most aspects of The Rings of Power, the sword has been shrouded in complete secrecy. There have been some hints as to what it may mean for the series, however. Speaking with Inverse, the actor who plays Theo, Tyroe Muhafidin, said that it “maybe does drive the storyline a bit.” Could it be similar to the One Ring we’ve seen in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, in that it could corrupt the mind of the person who holds and uses it? That certainly seemed to be the case, when the older gentleman who confronted Theo for stealing the hilt this week, hinted at being loyal to Sauron upon his inevitable return.

The sword itself is extremely similar to the weaponry used by the nine Nazgûl warriors, otherwise known as the Ring-wraiths in The Lord of the Rings. We know that they were the original human kings given the nine rings of power for men, so Theo isn’t likely to become one of them when all is said and done, unless he is destined to suddenly take to a throne. That doesn’t mean that he won’t fall under the influence of the Dark Lord, however. His future in the series is certainly going to be one of the most interesting to witness.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power continues Fridays on Amazon Prime Video.

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