PlayStation Stars Hit Play/1994 Campaign

PlayStation Stars Hit Play/1994 Campaign: Clues, Answers, and Rewards

PlayStation Stars launched today in North and South America. The program introduced four campaigns players can complete to earn PlayStation Stars rewards, and one of those is the Hit Play/1994 campaign. The clues have some PS5 and PS4 players stumped. How do you complete this challenge and what do you earn for doing so?

Hit Play/1994 campaign clues and answers

The PlayStation Stars Hit Play/1994 campaign tasks players with launching games that match a clue that refers to a song released around 1994. There are six clues referencing different songs and players must launch all six of the games that match those clues to be able to complete the challenge. Here are all of the answers for those clues:

All of the games are available through PlayStation Plus Extra. Some players are finding that there’s a delay of up to one hour between launching the game and receiving credit on the PlayStation Stars campaign. Once all six clues have been ticked off, players will get a Sony Chord Machine digital collectible reward to display in their case. Don’t worry about delays, though, as the campaign doesn’t expire until November 15, 2022.

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