how to cancel hbo max
Image: HBO

How To Cancel HBO Max Subscription

As we move closer to the holiday season and tighten our belts while keeping our eyes on our cash flow, many are wondering exactly how to cancel their HBO Max subscription. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to opt out of the service, and you can always return again with just a few clicks in the future should you wish to. Here is how to cancel a HBO Max subscription.

How to cancel HBO Max

how to cancel hbo max
John Cena stars in HBO Max series Peacemaker / Image: HBO

First, you will want to find out whether your HBO Max subscription is directly from the streaming service, or from another provider. To find out who bills you, open HBO Max or go to If you are on phone, tablet, or computer, tap your profile in the upper right corner of your screen, then choose Settings, and find Subscription. If you are using your TV device, simply choose the Settings icon, then select Account.

If you are being billed by Warner Media Direct (, you can cancel using your phone, tablet, or computer. On your phone or tablet, open the HBO Max app and then tap your profile in the upper right corner. Tap the Settings icon, then scroll to Subscription. Select Manage Subscription, and then Cancel Subscription. Confirm you would like to cancel, and you will be told when your subscription expires. You will also receive a confirmation email from HBO Max, to tell you that the cancellation was successful. If you are using a computer, go to, choose your profile in the upper right corner, then click Settings, before selecting Subscription. Here, click Manage Subscription, then Cancel Subscription.

How to cancel HBO Max on app stores

The Flight Attendant has been a huge hit for HBO Max / Image: HBO

If you are subscribed to HBO Max through an app store, such as Amazon Appstore, Apple iTunes or App Store, Google Play, Roku, or Samsung TV, then canceling your subscription can vary. Here are some tips on how to cancel HBO Max for each of the app stores:

  • Amazon Appstore: Go to and sign in. Go to the Your Subscriptions section, find HBO Max, and turn off auto-renewal. You will get an email confirmation.
  • Apple iTunes or App Store: Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad and tap your name. Select Subscriptions, then find HBO Max. Click Cancel Subscription. You will get an email confirmation.
  • Google Play: Open the Play Store app. Tap your profile icon in the top right. Select Payments & Subscriptions, then click Subscriptions. Click HBO Max and then Cancel Subscription. You will receive an email confirmation.
  • Roku: Press the Home button on your Roku remote. Highlight HBO Max and press the Star button (*) to open Options. Select Manage Subscription, then click Cancel Subscription. You will get an email confirmation.
  • Samsung TV: Go to and sign in. Find the Purchase History menu, and select Subscriptions. Click your HBO Max subscription and choose Unsubscribe. You will receive an email confirmation.

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