High on Life Wait a Full Hour Bounty Douglas

High On Life Wait One Full Hour: What Happens if You Wait in Bounty: Douglas

In High on Life, you’re asked to wait one full hour as part of the Bounty: Douglas mission. Most people will ignore this and proceed to the next part of the quest. However, if you do wait for an hour, something does happen, something incredibly anti-climatic.

What happens if you wait an hour in High on Life during the Bounty: Douglas quest?

You’re asked to wait one full hour in High on Life as part of Bounty: Douglas when you reach the recruitment center. You can ignore this and just find an exit, but you do get a special message if you wait for a whole hour:

“Okay good work, you waited an hour, whoop-de-do. Congratulations on having resolve. We are so proud of you for being able to wait and do nothing for an hour. Just sit on your ass for 60 minutes; what an achievement. Kudos to you. Hope you feel like that was worth your time. Hope you and your ass got some enjoyment out of that. Anyway, here we go. Door opening now.”

However, the door gets stuck, so you completely wasted the hour. The guy on the TV even taunts you about it:

“Hello again. If you’re seeing this video, it means the door got stuck. So, we’re sending a guy to fix it. He’ll be there in a week or whatever when he’s available. Just sit tight. There’s enough air in there I promise, but there isn’t enough food so enjoy starving to death. Here’s some TV in the meantime. Hahahahaha.”

Fortunately, there isn’t an achievement tied to this or anything. It’s just a fun little gag that most people will miss.

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