Forspoken Frey Black Age Ethnicity Race

Forspoken: Is Frey Black and How Old is She?

The protagonist of Forspoken, Frey Holland, is a Black woman. At the beginning of the game, she’s 21 years old, having just had a birthday. However, don’t expect either of these facts to have much of an impact on the game. Frey’s vital statistics are barely mentioned after the game’s first twenty minutes, and she rarely self-references her age or ethnicity.

Is Frey Black in Forspoken?

Forspoken Ella Belinska
Source: Square Enix PR

In Forspoken, the main character, Frey, is Black. We know this from comments from the developers and because Black actress Ella Balinska provided her likeness and motion capture.

However, Frey’s roots are a bit more complicated at second glance. If her ethnicity is a match to Balinska’s, she’s multiracial. Balinska claims a British, Polish, and Caribbean heritage. In the US, she would be referred to as “mixed.” When this is the case, people usually refer to themselves as white or Black depending on their skin tone, physical features, and which community they identify with most.

As far as we’ve found, Forspoken doesn’t refer to Frey’s ethnicity in-game at any point. Athia is monocultural, and there’s no indicator of any previous or current racial divide. So, as far as the plot goes, Frey’s race is irrelevant.

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What is Frey’s Age in Forspoken?

Forspoken Frey Rap Sheet

Frey has just turned 21 when Forspoken starts (as per the rap sheet at the beginning of the game). However, this is another aspect of her life that’s a bit complicated. Frey was found in the Holland Tunnel as a baby. Presumably, that means her birthday is an estimate. She could have turned 21 a few days before the beginning of the game.

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