Dead Space Remake Nuke Defuse

Dead Space Remake Nuke Defuse: How To Stop Bomb Blowing Up

To stop the nuke from blowing up in the Dead Space remake, players have to use the Plasma Cutter to chop the explosive growths off the enemies. Shooting the growth directly will cause it to explode, triggering the nuclear bomb and failing the mission. Players will need to aim carefully to make sure they chop the arm off the enemies.

Why does the nuke keep blowing up in the Dead Space remake?

The nuke keeps blowing up in the Dead Space remake because the enemies’ explosive arms are detonating. Instead of shooting at the arms, players will need to chop the limbs off so that the arms fall to the floor without exploding.

There are two enemies in total, so players will need to successfully chop the limbs off both to prevent accidental detonation.

This can be quite the puzzle for new players, as this mechanic isn’t really used elsewhere in the game. It’s a tough lesson being taught under extreme pressure, as trying to defuse a nuke is hardly the most comfortable position to be in.

For more Dead Space guides, here’s a list of the missable items, weapons, and missions that players will want to keep an eye out for. For GR’s full thoughts on the remake, check out the 8/10 review here.

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