Dead Space Remake Route Blocked

Dead Space Remake Route Blocked: How To Get Past Door or Path

To get past a door or path that is blocked with a growth in the Dead Space remake, players need to find the glowing part of the growth and shoot it. Shooting the glowing bit will cause the entire growth of the tentacle to stop blocking the way.

How to find the glowing spot on growth tentacles in the Dead Space remake

Unblocking a door or path in Dead Space remake usually involves shooting the glowing spot of on a growth tentacle. However, it can be tough to track them down. Thankfully, once you know where to look, it’s simple.

To find the glowing spot on growth tentacles, players should follow the tentacle along its entire length. Eventually, there will be a glowing spot.

Tracking down the glowing part can be tricky with the tentacle going between rooms or going up to another level. When this happens, players will need to continue to track the tentacle as they move around through doors or lifts, or float around in anti-gravity.

If it seems impossible to destroy a tentacle, try using the map to see the rooms that you haven’t visited yet. The glowing spot may be located there.

For more Dead Space remake guides, here’s a list of cheats that help make the game easier. For GR’s thoughts on this remake, check out the 8/10 review here.

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