Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian Key Locations

Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian Key Locations

Finding all the Daedalian Key locations in Hogwarts Legacy is tough. Fortunately, we’ve got a list below that’ll lead you directly to all sixteen.

Where to find all Daedalian Keys in Hogwarts Legacy

We found each Daedalian Key location in Hogwarts Legacy. All you need to do to find the corresponding cabinet is follow the key. If you lose track of it for some reason, you can exit the area and return to reset its location. Also, you don’t have to keep an eye on a key for it to reach its cabinet. If you already know where it will end up, feel free to jog over and wait for it.

  1. Astronomy Wing – Dragon Statue:
    • Go to the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame.
    • Turn around, and go through the first doorway to your left.
    • Go past the History of Magic classroom.
    • Turn right, and go down the stairs and go through the door.
    • Then go left, descend the stairs, head down one more flight, and you’ll reach the bottom.
    • Here you’ll find a key flying near a statue of a dragon.
  2. Astronomy Wing – History of Magic Hallway:
    • Warp to the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame.
    • Then do a 180.
    • Walk forward and head through the first set of double doors on the left.
    • You’ll see a Daedalian Key floating near the doors leading to the History of Magic classroom.
  3. Astronomy Wing – Map Chamber:
    • Face the same way the dragon statue is pointed and head down the hall.
    • Then turn right to continue down the hall. You’ll reach a door full of barrels.
    • Go up the stairs immediately before you and then go right through the door.
    • Go down the stairs until you reach the bottom, and you’ll be in a blue-hued room.
    • Look in here for a Daedalian Key.
  4. Astronomy Wing – Rhinoceros Skeleton: You’ll find this Daedalian Key right beside the skeleton.
  5. Astronomy Wing: You’ll find this one near the Floo Flame. It’s the easiest to grab since you’re led to it as part of “The Daedalian Keys” side quest.
  6. Grand Staircase – Quad Courtyard:
    • From the Great Hall Floo Flame, go right and through the doors.
    • Next, head down the nearby steps, past the deer statue.
    • Then go through the archway.
    • You should spot the key in the vicinity.
  7. Grand Staircase: You’ll find this key near the very top of the Grand Staircase.
  8. Great Hall: Go through the main double doors of the Great Hall and head up the stairs to find a Daedalian Key.
  9. Great Hall: This key is to the left of the Great Hall Floo Flame.
  10. Library Annex – Central Hall: From the Central Hall Floo Flame, head toward the Greenhouses to find this key.
  11. Library Annex – Central Hall:
    • From the Floo Flame, go to the doors that lead to the bridge across the viaduct.
    • From those doors, go right to spot a key floating about.
  12. Library Annex – Library: You’ll find this key among the bookcases on the upper floor.
  13. Library Annex – Potions Classroom:
    • From the Floo Flame, turn right and head through the double doors.
    • Then turn left, and you’ll see a Daedalian Key flying around just past the door to the Potions Classroom.
  14. South Wing – Clock Tower: This is another key you need to Alohomora spell to access.
    • Go to the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.
    • Head through the door with the Level 1 Lock.
    • Go up the stairs.
    • When you reach the top of them, you’ll find this Daedalian key on the walkway.
  15. South Wing – Faculty Tower: Before you can access this key, you need to unlock the ability to pick locks with the Alohomora spell.
    • Once you do so, go to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame.
    • Then, head into the Faculty Tower area and up the first flight of steps to find the key.
  16. South Wing – Faculty Tower: You’ll need to know the Alohomora spell to access this one as well. You’ll find this key in a long corridor that leads to the clock tower one level down from the Hospital Wing.
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