Hogwarts Legacy Demiguise Statue Locations

Hogwarts Legacy Demiguise Statue Locations in Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and Highlands

There are Demiguise Statue locations scattered throughout Hogwarts Legacy. You can find them in the school itself, Hogsmeade, and the Highland villages. Unfortunately, two things make locating them tricky:

  • You can only pick up Demiguise Moons after completing “The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament” main quest.
  • After that, you can only pick up Demiguise Moons at night.

There are 30 Demiguise Statue locations in Hogwarts Legacy (excluding the three you find as part of the initial quest). However, you only need to obtain 22 of them (9 for Level 2, then 13 for Level 3) after unlocking Alohomora to get Level 3.

Finding all 33 Demiguise Moons will get you the “Demiguise Dread” trophy/achievement.

Hogwarts Legacy Demiguise Statue Locations: Hogwarts

There are ten statues in Hogwarts.

  • Astronomy Wing – Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom: This statue is in Professor Fig’s office on the shelf behind his desk.
  • Astronomy Wing – Muggle Studies Classroom: Head through the double doors closest to the Transfiguration Courtyard and head down the nearest stairway and make your way down to the dungeons. Down the hall from the sleeping dragon statue, you’ll find a locked classroom with a Demiguise Moon within.
  • Astronomy Wing – Near Transfiguration Courtyard: Fast travel to the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, turn around, and go in the door to the left of the flame. Once inside, look for the Level 2 locked door on the right. Through this door, you’ll find the statue.
  • Bell Tower Wing – Beasts Classroom: You’ll find this statue behind a door with a Level 2 lock.
  • Bell Tower Wing – Near North Exit: Fast travel to the North Exit Floo Flame, then follow the wall behind you and look for a Level 1 locked door on ground level beside a flight of stairs. You’ll find a statue in this small room.
  • Great Hall – Great Hall: Just off the Great Hall is a small room closed with a Level 1 lock. Inside is another Demiguise Statue.
  • Library Annex – Divination Classroom: This statue is on the teacher’s desk. You can’t miss it.
  • Library Annex – Library Restricted Section: You’ll pass by this one in a main mission before you have the ability to pick it up. Unfortunately, that means you’ll need to return to pick it up. However, just follow the same path you did for that quest, and you’ll pick it up on a Revelio scan easily.
  • Library Annex – Potions Classroom Storage: Spawn at the Potions Classroom Floo Flame. Take the nearby door down the stairs, and you’ll reach a corridor filled with portraits hanging over tapestries. The first door on your left will have a Level 2 lock. Inside you’ll find a Demiguise Statue.
  • South Wing – Haunted Restroom: In the restroom, you’ll find a passage in a toilet stall leading to a furnace room. In there, you’ll find this statue.

Hogwarts Legacy Demiguise Statue Locations: Hogsmeade

There are nine statues to be found in Hogsmeade.

  • Cassandra Mason’s House: You’ll find a statue in the home of the lady who gives you the haunted shop quest (PS4/PS5 only). It’s located in the northeast section of town.
  • Gladrags Wizardwear: One of the easier statues to find is sitting on a table in plain sight at Gladrags Wizardwear.
  • Hog’s Head Tavern: Go to the back room of the Hog’s Head to find this one.
  • House across from the waterwheel: Find the pond by the waterwheel and head to the house across it. There, you’ll find another Demiguise Moon.
  • House by the waterwheel: Find the waterwheel in the north part of Hogsmeade and check the house next to it for a statue.
  • House Near The Three Broomsticks: Directly east of The Three Broomsticks is a Level 1 locked house with a Demiguise Moon inside.
  • House North of J. Pippin’s Potions: You’ll find a Level 2 locked door in a row of houses in the western part of Hogsmeade. Open it and search inside to find this statue.
  • House West of Ollivanders: From the wand shop, head west, and you’ll find a house with a Level 2 lock and a statue inside.
  • Tombs and Scrolls: Check the back room of Tombs and Scrolls to find this statue.

Hogwarts Legacy Demiguise Statue Locations: Highlands

Another 11 Demiguise Moons are scattered throughout The Highlands.

  • Aranshire: In the middle of town, there’s a house with a Level 2 lock. On the second floor, you’ll find a statue.
  • Bainburgh: Find the house with the cauldrons outside of it and enter to find a Demiguise Moon.
  • Brocburrow: A house in the middle of the village has a statue inside.
  • Cragcroft: Look in the buildings in the center of the village for this statue.
  • Feldcroft: Look for the house covered in vines with a Level 2 lock for another statue.
  • Irondale: There’s a house with an NPC quest giver sitting outside of it that has a Demiguise Moon within.
  • Keendale: Find the house with pumpkins outside and enter it to find a statue.
  • Lower Hogsfield: There’s a statue located in Sebastian Bickel’s house.
  • Marunweem: There’s a building with a Level 2 lock in this village with a statue inside.
  • Pitt-Upon-Ford: Near the bridge is a large house with a carriage next to it. Inside is a statue.
  • Upper Hogsfield: Look for a house with a large wagon wheel next to the front door. Inside is a Demiguise Statue.
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