Hogwarts Legacy Map with Floating Candles Ghost of Our Love puzzle solution

Hogwarts Legacy Map With Floating Candles Location: Ghost of Our Love Puzzle Solution

The location of the Map with Floating Candles in Hogwarts Legacy differs depending on your house. There is one house-exclusive quest in the game, and you find the Ghost of Our Love treasure map while completing it. So, there are four potential locations where you’ll find it.

Making things more complicated, once you obtain the Ghost of Our Love map in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ve got to figure out the solution to its puzzle and find the floating candles by the bridge. Fortunately, our guide has all the answers you need to complete this involved side quest.

Hogwarts Legacy Ghost of Our Love Map with Floating Candles Location

You’ll find the Ghost of Our Love map location in Hogwarts Legacy while searching for the missing pages from the book you grabbed in the library’s restricted section. Each house has a unique quest in which you pursue the pages, so there are four potential places you might find the map.

Gryffindor Map with Floating Candles Location

When you arrive at the cemetery with Nearly-Headless Nick, you’ll speak with Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore. When the conversation concludes, check the nearby gravestones to find the Map with Floating Candles

Hufflepuff Map with Floating Candles Location

Search for a chest near Claire Beaumont’s stall in Upper Hogsfield. Inside you’ll find the map.

Ravenclaw Map with Floating Candles Location

Climb to the top of the Owlery and look around to find the map.

Slytherin Map with Floating Candles Location

When you open the secret area in Apollonia’s Grotto, you’ll find a chest inside that contains the map.

Where to find the floating candles in Ghost of Our Love quest in Hogwarts Legacy

The Map with Floating Candles puzzle isn’t too hard to solve in Hogwarts Legacy. It gives you four clues you’ll need to use to figure out the puzzle:

  • First, you need to go to a forest.
  • You need to find a crumbling archway with signs near it.
  • There’s a bridge that must be crossed.
  • Finally, you must cast Lumos to cause the candles to appear.

Luckily, the next part of the main quest will take you right where you need to go. Note that it has to be dark outside to trigger the candles.

To find the floating candles:

  • Head to the Forbidden Forest.
  • Go through the entrance.
  • Head west toward the stone bridge.
  • Cast Lumos to make the candles appear.

Once the candles show up, follow them, and they’ll lead to a cable set for two. Nearby, you’ll find a chest with some gear and Galleons. Open it, and the side quest will be complete.

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