Hogwarts Legacy Beast Locations Catch All Animals

Hogwarts Legacy Beast Locations: Where to Catch Each Animal

There are 13 beasts in Hogwarts Legacy, and you can find locations for each of them here. We’ll show you exactly where you need to go to capture every animal and the prerequisites for finding the rare ones.

Hogwarts Legacy beast locations list

You can find the locations of all 13 beasts in Hogwarts Legacy below. Note that the animals can be found at other beast dens as well. These are just the ones we’ve verified as of writing.

  • Diricawl: Found east of the Marunweem Ruins.
  • Fwooper: Found in beast den near Marunweem.
  • Giant Purple Toad: Find its den in the western part of the Forbidden Forest.
  • Graphorn: Found during Main Quest: San Bakar’s Trial, Can also be captured in its den along the southern Clagmar coastline.
  • Hippogriff: Find Hippogriffs near Feldcroft and the Forbidden Forest.
  • Jobberknoll: Found during “The Elf, the Nab-Sack, and the Loom” near North Ford Bog.
  • Kneazle: Knealzles can be found in their den near Irondale.
  • Mooncalf: Found as part of the “The Elf, the Nab-Sack, and the Loom” side quest at the beast den near the Mooncalf Floo Flame.
  • Niffler: Can be found in a den in Feldcroft Catacomb.
  • Phoenix: Found as part of Deek’s “Phoenix Rising” quest. Only one in the game.
  • Puffskein: Found during “The Elf, the Nab-Sack, and the Loom.” Can also be found at the beast den east of Jackdaw’s Tomb.
  • Thestral: Found as part of Deek’s “Foal of the Dead” quest. It can also be captured at a den at Marunweem Lake.
  • Unicorn: Unlock the den by taking “The Unique Unicorn” side quest in Hogsmeade. After completing it, you can find them in a beast den north of Hogsmeade.
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