overwatch 2 meta march 2023 season 3 team comp

Overwatch 2 Meta (March 2023): Best Team Comp

The Overwatch 2 meta for March 2023 presents the ideal combination of heroes to beat your opponents with in Season 3. This team comp will provide you with the biggest advantage against almost any match-up, and effectively playing into this meta can see you shooting up those competitive ranks.

What is the Overwatch 2 meta and best team comp in March 2023?

The Overwatch 2 meta is still a brawl team comp, which can effectively steamroll an enemy with brute force and speed. This composition can consist of the following heroes:

  • Tank: Reinhardt, Orisa, Sigma, Junker Queen, Rammatra
  • DPS: Sojourn, Reaper, Soldier 76, Cassidy
  • Support: Lucio, Kiriko, Brigitte

A brawl comp will effectively rush an enemy team and wear them down with close-quarters attacks. This requires a tank who can get up close and personal with the enemy team, damage heroes who can dish out a lot of punishment from close range, and support heroes who can charge in alongside their teammates.

Tanks such as Reinhardt, Orisa, and Junker Queen lead from the front, charging into opponents and effectively centering all combat around themselves. Reinhardt is in a strong place right now, Orisa continues to be effective as a tank with a lot of sustain, and while Junker Queen requires more finesse than most, in the right hands she can be lethal. Rammatra has a supremely dangerous ult and the ability to mix things up with melee and moderately ranged combat, while Sigma is a shield-based hero who nonetheless can dish out a bunch of punishment in close range.

Sojourn and Soldier 76 may have the ability to fight at a moderate range, but they are also incredibly effective at close-range, with both of their ultimate abilities able to dispatch of an entire team if used effectively. Reaper is a no-brainer given his shotguns, while Cassidy is also in a very strong place right now.

For support, Lucio is a no-brainer if you want to rush as a brawl comp, given he’s the only champion with a speed-based ability. Kiriko also continues to be a strong support character, cleansing teammates of any enemy AoE abilities that try to take advantage of your team being grouped together, while Brigitte is a great choice in this comp given she’s most effective when playing in such a tight-knit team.

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