Purchase Modern Warfare 2 to have access to everything error fix

Purchase Modern Warfare 2 to Have Access to Everything: Missing Content Error Fix

If you’re getting the “Purchase Modern Warfare 2 to have access to everything” error message during a free weekend, there’s a fix. It’s an incredibly frustrating error since it’s happening to players who have purchased the game. So, if you’re missing content, or getting kicked out of matchmaking and getting this message, read below for the solution.

How to fix Purchase Modern Warfare 2 to have access to everything error

The primary cause of the Purchase Modern Warfare 2 to have access to everything error message is the free weekend. It seems like player licenses can be affected and cause the game to act like it’s a free trial, even if a player owns the full game.

The error most commonly occurs when a player who owns the game tries leading a party with one or more players using the free trial. A glitch can cause the game to try and load a map that isn’t available in the free trial. This results in all the party members getting kicked and getting that message regardless of whether they own the game or not.

To fix the issue, ensure the party leader is a free trial member. That way, the game will only try and load the maps the free players can access, and the glitch won’t occur.

However, sometimes this issue occurs independently of matchmaking. Some players have reported that they’ve had luck by uninstalling and reinstalling the game or restoring licenses (PlayStation only). Unfortunately, there’s no definitive fix for this variation of the issue except to wait until the free trial weekend is over.

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