PS5 Rebuilding Database After Update: What Does It Do and Mean?

After a PS5 update, your console may greet you with a blue screen and a loading bar titled “Rebuilding database.” Don’t worry; this is a perfectly normal process. So what does it mean?

Why is my PS5 showing “Rebuilding database?”

Rebuilding the console’s database is usually a manual action. This process is a fix for consoles that are encountering errors on the home screen, such as uninstalled game icons not disappearing.

A database rebuild won’t add or remove any content such as game progress or settings. It simply recreates the database, fixing any errors along the way. It can also make your console more responsive.

If you didn’t trigger a database rebuild manually, it was likely triggered by the recent update. Occasionally, updates require a database rebuild to work properly. Once the rebuild is completed, you’ll be able to use your console as normal.

It’s recommended to perform a database rebuild regularly to optimize the loading times of your PS5. Once your PS5 is back up and running, celebrate with a new game. Our review of Resident Evil 4 Remake noted it was a significant improvement over the original (and check out the best handguns in the game while you’re at it!)

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