Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Dyeing to Find It Shrine Quest Solution

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Dyeing to Find It Shrine: What Is The Puzzle Solution?

The Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Dyeing to Find It shrine quest is a more difficult one than most. The Steward Construct that gives you this quest in the Lanaryu Great Spring, located on the northeast side of Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower in TotK, provides a riddle to the puzzle solution, but it’s rather vague to work out. It says “When the sun awakens in the sky, dye the white pattern black. Then will the sacred shrine appear.” That’s rather cryptic, but the puzzle solution actually has to do with shadows. Here’s a step by step plan that you can follow to solve the “Dyeing to Find It” quest in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

How to solve the Dyeing to Find It shrine quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Solving the “Dying to Find It” quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom requires that you move objects in such a way that the shadows matches a pattern.

  1. If you haven’t already found this shrine quest, the Steward Construct you’re looking for is at coordinates 2362, -0511, 0156. You can reach this easily by going to Kakariko Village and paragliding toward the top of Quatta’s Shelf.
  2. Once you’ve got the quest, you need to match the shadow of the rotating contraption with a symbol along the side of the wall.
  3. Grab the crank on the wheel to rotate the contraption until the T-shaped outline is pointing in the direction of the Steward Construct
  4. Take one of the wooden boards nearby using the Ultrahand ability and turn it horizontally so that it slots into the lower-left hole in the contraption
  5. Now because you can only solve this “when the sun awakens in the sky”, you’ll need to pass time until dawn. You can do this multiple ways, but the easiest method is to start a campfire.
  6. Make sure that as the sun passes that the shadow cast on the contraption matches the symbol. You may need to fiddle around with the crank so that it lines up perfectly.
More Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Guides

If you’re able to do this properly, the Kurakat Shrine will finally appear, where you can earn a Magic Scepter and a Blessing of Light.

For more guides on Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, here’s the location of the Cobble Crusher and where to find the Bladed Rhino Beetle.

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