Zelda Tears of the Kingdom knight armor Soldiers Armor Set

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Knight Armor Location: Where to Get the Soldier’s Armor Set

The knight armor is one of the coolest outfits in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Called the Soldier’s Armor set in-game, it’s scattered throughout a location that contains relatively high-level enemies, and you need to break through a ton of rock to navigate through it. However, if you don’t mind a difficult journey, you can get the knight armor shortly after starting the game.

Where to find the knight armor in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The knight armor set in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom can be found in the Royal Hidden Passage. It consists of three parts:

  • Soldier’s Armor
  • Soldier’s Greaves
  • Soldier’s Helm

The good news is that the Soldier’s Armor set isn’t scattered across the map. The bad news is that the location it’s found in isn’t the easiest to navigate.

There are two ways to get into the Royal Hidden Passage. You can enter it from the Hyrule Castle grounds or the Emergency Shelter in Lookout Landing. The first path is open to you as soon as you descend from Great Sky Island. The second isn’t available until you’ve cleared at least one temple. However, we’ll guide you down the second path since it’s a bit easier to traverse.

Unfortunately, there’s no map of the Royal Hidden Passage. However, we’ll be including a map of the overworld with each piece that you can reference for your approximate position.

Before starting your journey, stock up on weapons that can break rock. Alternatively, if you defeat the Fire Temple and get the Vow of Yunobo and use your buddy to blast through the obstacles.

Soldier’s Greaves Location

Zelda Tears of the King Soldiers Greaves

After you complete your first temple in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you can return to Lookout Landing Emergency Shelter and find a hole near Jerrin. You’ll find the Horned Statue in the right-hand passage here. Then, take the path further down, and you’ll begin making your way into the Royal Hidden Passage.

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Knights Armor Soldiers Greaves Location Map

Just keep going straight, and when you come to the room with the Like Like, take the upper passage. Keep going until you find a pile of rocks on the left side of the path, and bust through them to an area with a desk and three openings. Behind the Like Like in the opening to the left, you’ll find a chest containing the Soldier’s Greaves, which make up the leg portion of the knight armor.

Soldier’s Helm Location

Zelda Tears of the King Soldiers Helm

Head out of the room you found the Soldier’s Greaves in and take a left. Bust through the blue rock and then head through the narrow tunnel through another batch of blue stone. Now, follow the path as it spirals downward into a body of water. Now, you’ll find yourself in a large chamber containing quite a few deposits of Luminous Stone.

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Knights Armor Soldiers Helm Location Map

There are a few things you can do in this room, but make sure not to disturb the mound of rock in the middle of it unless you’re ready to fight a powerful mini-boss. You’ll need to head through the door across from the middle of the room between the four pillars. (Note: The door is blocked by black rocks, which can take several hits with bomb flowers before they crumble.)

Head down the passage and defeat the Ice Like. Check the chest behind it to find the Soldier’s Helm.

More Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Guides

Soldier’s Armor Location

Zelda Tears of the King Soldiers Armor

To get to the final piece of the knight armor in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, return to the large chamber you were in previously and take a right. Swim to the opening, break the blue rocks, then head down this passage.

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Knights Armor Soldiers Armor Location Map

Ignore the large Luminous Rock deposits and continue straight through the next barrier of blue rocks. You’ll see a large pile of rubble you can destroy to enter another room.

Instead of defeating a Like Like this time, you’ll need to head to the rear right cell and use Ultrahand to move a rock blocking a hole in the floor. Drop down and follow the passage and use Ascend to climb out the other side when you hit a dead end. Here, you’ll find the last piece of the knight armor, the Soldier’s Armor.

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